Chapter Twenty-Five

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Secound new chapter this week! Yay! Hope that you enjoy this! Remeber the first to vote has a dedication...

Chapter Twenty-Five

Ten minutes later I sat in the back of a classroom with Renesmee to my right. Colourful boards and posters tried to cover the white blue walls as they all habited random chips and left over blue tack.

The teacher at the front of the class, sitting on a wooden desk, was a middle-aged man and he was taking everyone’s names in the class. The greetings to I and Renesmee had already painfully passed and everyone was excitedly talking about what they had done over the summer holidays while openly staring at their new classmates.

I grumbled at them under my breath as Renesmee stretched out her elegant hands to look at my time-table.

“We have all of the same lessons!” She beamed at me with enthusiasm. “Well except the option lessons, I have French with Jacob and Bella while you have art.” She pouted.

I couldn’t help but laugh at her facial expression as her brown eyes were wide and hands were in the air as they held both of our timetables.

“What lesson have we got first then?” I asked while peering around the classroom to see that a number of students had stopped talking to listen to what Nessie had to say.

“Well this is registration with Mr Hue….” She trailed her finger over the white piece of paper. “Physics with Mr White in room four is next and I won’t tell you the rest as you will probably forget and you can look yourself.” She giggled at me as I was more interested in the table in front of me then learning what I had to ‘learn’ today. I was glad that she didn’t take it into offence. “Cheer up school isn’t that bad,” She nudged my shoulder against hers.

I scoffed while rolling my eyes. The rest of registration went by quickly and I was soon following Nessie down the crowded halls. Everyone made way for us and stepped back which was what I was used to- humans were always wary of our kind even if they didn’t know about us.

Renesmee confidently walked ahead with her bronze ringlets flaring out behind her. She eagerly waved at Edward and Bella who walked past us with ease. I to waved but more discreetly and while I was smiling at the married couple I didn’t realise that Renesmee was staring at me.

“Come on! I am not going to be late for my first lesson!” She frustrated stomped her foot while tugging on my arm.

We arrived to class early which is what I expected to happen; I brushed the sleeves of my blazer down to get rid of the creases that had appeared as Nessie tugged at them.

“New students,” An old man commented from the door frame as he looked over me and Ness as we stood with the other teenagers waiting to go into the room.

“Please to meet you Mr White, my name is Renesmee Cullen and this is Ella Whitlock!” Renesmee beamed with a wave- she was waving a lot today I noted.

The teachers head quickly turned to meet her eyes and smiled gently. “It is a pleasure to meet you Miss Cullen; I have high hopes for you.”

I tried to hold in my laughter but it ended up as a cough. How could he tell that she was a brain box already?

“Miss Whitlock,” Mr White shot at me as I walked past him into the room. “Uniform is not supposed to be that way, I expect you to be presentable for tomorrow or there will be consequences.”

I rolled my eyes as I sat on an empty desk at the back, he soon moved me to the front where he could keep an eye on me.

Throughout the class, Renesmee was the one to answer most questions with another two people in the class. How could they be so eager? I sat staring at my book while drawing lines and whirls at the back page of it. It seemed that every minute the old man was picking on me as I did something ‘wrong’.

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