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Chapter 3: Stupid dares & stupid questions

THE next day, Noelle woke up with a massive headache. She didn't know why or how, she just knew her head hurt. It's not like she'd been drinking the night so therefore it was clearly not a hangover.

In her fluffy bath robe and comfy pajamas, Noelle went into the kitchen to take her pills and eat something. She opened the fridge looking for something eadible but all she had were Nutella jars, mountains of Milky Ways and milk.

She really needed to go grocery shopping.

She decided a tea would be good for her now, mentally noting to go grocery shopping afterwards.

Noelle was curious about her fans' responses to her tweet yesterday so she decided to open up Twitter while the water was boiling. At first, she saw loads of pictures of Luke and Amanda. They were probably taken yesterday when they went out but Noelle couldn't help to notice all the drama going on for the "Luke girls".

Of course, Noelle knew how it was to suffer as a fangirl.

After drinking her tea, Noelle went up to her room to make herself look a bit presentable. She brushed her bird's nest looking like hair and applied little makeup. She cleaned and organised the room before they boys would show up and set her camera.

"All right," she clasped her hands together. "Mands, you up?"

Amanda groaned, from her other room. "I am, now. Thanks a lot!"

Noelle rolled her eyes, going to Amanda's room. She was really grumpy lately and Noelle didn't know why. "What's wrong?"

Amanda grunted, rolling on the other side of her bed. "Just leave me alone, alright?"

"What? Fine, I'll stop bothering you."


WHEN the boys finally arrived, Noelle let out a loud sigh. She couldn't handle this awkward tension with Amanda. She didn't know what had gotten into her but it was better not to question it.

"Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii," Noelle gushed, letting the four boys in. They all greeted her and she led them in her room. Except Luke, he was there to see Amanda.

Obviously, go see the mad witch.

"You look cute with your hair braided," Calum told her, quietly.

"Thank you!" She blushed. "Oh my God, I have an idea!"

"What?" Asked Michael, sitting on her bed, scrolling through his Twitter.

"Ashton, you have to let me braid your hair," she insisted. Ashton looked at her, kind of questioning her sanity before mumbling 'fine'.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

After a few broken bobby pins and whines from Ashton, Noelle had finally managed to braid his long hair into two French braids, so it could match hers. The whole time, Michael and Calum snickered at Ashton's whines, making sure to take a lot of pictures.

"I hate you, Noeboo," Ashton muttered, going on with her plan. She just laughed him off and made them sit on the corner of her room.

She started recording. "Hello Internet friends, it's me, Noelle. I'm sorry I haven't posted a video in a while but I was kind of busy since I've been in Australia for a week now."

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