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i really need to edit this shitty book, tbh

Chapter 9:

NOELLE Hotterfield was never a patient person. She was always fidgety, nervous and sweaty.

Last week, she had been put in a very unprofessional situation. Her face was flaming red just as she thought about it.

Luke Hemmings deliberately insulted her and made her feel uncomfortable. He has always had a nerve wrecking attitude.

As Noelle walked around her apartment, basically doing nothing at all, she analysed the events that had taken place.

Luke Hemmings kissed her.

Luke Hemmings kissed her again.

He insulted her kissing skills.

He made up with Amanda and officially asked her to be his girlfriend. (He did that in front of her, not even bothering to ask Noelle for privacy.)

Luke freaking Hemmings made out with Amanda in front of Noelle, deliberately grabbing Amanda's butt and moaning.

Not that Noelle paid attention to any of this, anyway, because she didn't care about him. She cared about Amanda and her well being.

That night, Amanda came home from Jake's place. Apparently he had cheated on her once again and Amanda decided she was sick of it. So, she came back to Luke, which was sort of confusing to Noelle.

Since Ashton's party not even the other boys tried contacting her and she couldn't help but feel insecure. What of she said something wrong? What if they grew tired of her? What if Luke told them about the whole thing?

She wasn't going to lie, Noelle liked their presence. She missed Michael's jokes, having Calum play with Mr. Pringles and hearing Ashton's contagious giggle.

She missed Luke a tiny wee bit, too, because shockingly, despite his asshole-ish remarks, Noelle liked his out going personality and his soft blonde hair and sparkly blue eyes and –

Moving on.

Noelle's birthday was a day away, which meant Luke's birthday was a day away too, which also meant she had spent 8 days without talking to any of Calum, Michael, Ashton and even Luke, for that matter.

She spent those exact almost 8 days going at her grandmother's house and she even visited her grandfather and played a few songs at the "old people house".

She hadn't gotten to build the courage to go to her mother's house because she was afraid to be rejected, like she had been the last time Noele visited her mum.

But, that isn't a very fortunate topic.

She was glad that Amanda did not make Luke come to their place. She just went over to the boys' house but hadn't spoken a word about them.

Their talks mainly consisted of "good morning" and that was all.

Truth be told, Noelle was getting sick of Amanda's attitude. She laughed every time she received a text from Luke and she smiled ear to ear, every single Goddamned time.

Suddenly, her phone buzzed.


Noelle: I've literally been here for the whole time

Calum: i missed my wifey, tbh

Noelle: that explains why you've been DYING to talk to me this week

Ashton: Noelle! How are ya?

Noelle: great



Noelle: yeah, whatever

Lanky noodle: what's going on

Seeing Luke's text made Noelle cringe; she shut her phone and ignored the notifications which were most probably from the groupchat.

Noelle felt stupid, just like the chewed gum on someone's shoe; disgusting. She felt as if Luke used her to get to Amanda.

But she shouldn't care.

Amanda was her best friend and best friends support each other. Sure, there were moments when Noelle swore she could've ripped her head off but she loved her, undoubtably.

She sighed, knowing she was getting nowhere with this. Soon, a few song ideas popped in her head so she grabbed her guitar and that's how she spent her day.


"SHE'S not answering," Ashton sighed, ruffling his hair.

Michael snorted. "I can see that, smartass."

Out of all of them, Calum felt the worst. He knew they had done something to upset and that thought made him sick.

"She's probably asleep, all she ever does is sleep," Amanda shrugged as she cuddled Luke on the couch.

Ashton glared at her, telling her that she didn't help the situation whatsoever.

"I'm just sayin'," Amanda continued. "She's been acting kind of weird lately."

Calum rolled his eyes. He hated Amanda the most. He didn't enjoy we presence in any way and if she had been a boy, he wouldn't have hesitated to kick her.

"Should I call her?" Michael asked, his mind focused on the game he was playing on his phone.

"Her birthday's tomorrow," Luke spoke up. "We should surprise her."

"She's born on the same day as you?" Ashton asked, eyes wide.

Amanda got up from the couch, irritated of the fact that they were all talking about Noelle. "She doesn't like surprise parties, she never has." Amanda lied.

Noelle would have loved if someone had thrown a surprise party for her, it would've showed that that cared about her and she loved that.

"I think we should still do it," Calum said. "She might kick our asses for not talking to her but it's worth trying. It's her birthday, after all."

"It's my birthday, too," Luke groaned.

"So we'll have a double surprise birthday party!" Ashton cheered. "Alright, guys, we have to plan this."

"Hey, guys?" Michael looked up from his phone. "Do we have frozen pizza left?"

A/N: so, this was kind of a boring filter, but it's also kind of important for the story and idk I feel like this story's stupid idk if should continue it or not

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