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Chapter 10: Disgusting couples & Matching outfits

ASHTON took the whole "let's surprise Noelle" thing very serious. Ashton took things in serious, in general. He liked joking around and having fun sometimes but he had to have things done his way.

They all agreed (Amanda and Luke were forced) to sneak in Noelle's apartment. Amanda explained that Noelle usually takes out her dog for a walk and it usually takes a lot because the dog is impossible to deal with.

Luke insisted on inviting Mrs. Brown because she was her grandma and mostly because they couldn't have had a party with 6 people.

They thought of inviting some other people too but Amanda told them that Noelle didn't really have friends around here.

And that's when she got an even brighter idea of which she was sure Noelle would absolutely love.


"HI Gran!" Noelle excitedly answered her grandmother's call.

"Oh, my sweetie, happy birthday!" Mrs. Brown gushed. "You're finally twenty!"

Noelle rolled her eyes. "Gran, when you say it like that, it makes me feel so old," she groaned.

"Old?" Noelle could hear her grandmum gasp on the other side of the phone. She imagined the scolding look on her face. "You're old? I'm 63 and I am not complaining, NJ."

Noelle giggled at her grandma. She had always been a strong woman who had never let her down. "Alright, grandma, I'll be at your place in about–"

"Oh, no honey," Mrs. Brown spoke. "I'm busy today, I'm really sorry."

"Busy? With what?" Noelle frowned. What could a 63-year-old woman be busy with?

"I just have to do something, sweetie. I promise I'll see you tomorrow." She responded and hung up the telephone after she said "happy birthday" again.

Noelle's face looked like a puppy St. Bernard that stood in pouring rain. She sighed, remembering she had to walk Pringles.

Amanda came home last night, claiming she was incredibly tired and went straight to bed. Noelle doubted that because she heard loud noises coming from her room, like she was hitting the walls or throwing things around the room. Noelle decided not to question it because if the latter one was correct, she didn't want to risk getting hit with a flying vase.

Still, Amanda hasn't woken up and Noelle let out a deep breath. Her grandmother was apparently busy, Amanda hadn't even wished her a happy birthday, the boys acted like jerks — it was a great day so far.

With her shoulders slumped down, Noelle walked her dog in the park. Maybe she just had high expectations, she tried to tell herself. Maybe she just wasn't everyone's center of attention and she just had to accept it.

"Hey, Prings," she ruffled the dog's ears. "You're a good boy, you love me, don't you?" She asked as the dog already turned his face from her, running behind the bushes in the small park.

Not even her dog loved her.

Noelle looked around the park. There were a few children playing on the swings, looking happy. A couple sat not far from her, giggling and being happy.

Everything was happy, except her.

Even Mr. Pringles had found another dog to play with, and he was happy.

She sighed. Again. And again.

There was still hope, though. She still had a few fans around the world who could make her twentieth birthday more exciting.

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Mar 25, 2016 ⏰

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