Part 17

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After Putting Marcella in her bed I went looking for a shadow to bring Trent back. I couldn't believe my brother turned on his own sister. I was angry at him, but I also knew he wasn't acting alone. We needed answers and we need to find the person who will be the next Alpha. Iris said that the Goddess had given me a gift, but I already have what I want, except for a sane family who doesn't try to kill their own flesh and blood. I felt sick at the thought of John, I also felt bad for him, trying to kill your own family isn't something a sane person would do. I was so lost in thought that I almost missed the shadow walking around. "I need one of you to bring everyone back, Maxwell says it's safe now."

"Is she okay?" I knew this one, he seemed to always follow my daughter around.

"Yes, she is just resting."

"Are you alright?"

"Honestly? No, but I should be. Now I go get the people, we are waiting on Trent to be here." He nodded and called some people over to him. I decided to make sure the pack members were okay. After a fight like that there were bound to be injuries and deaths. The thought plagued me the entire walk to the infirmary, how many had died in this fight? How many blindly followed their Alpha and payed with their lives? How many had died because I didn't take the title that first fight? How many hated me because of the lives my brother told them?

"You needn't think about that now Macy. They all love you, they were under his order to kill you and your family." I looked to the right and saw Tanya Bishop, an older pack member. She took me in when my father had gone insane, keeping me safe. She was in the group that had been taken to safety, which means they are back and we get our answers.

"I know Tanya, but I can't help it. Mother thought the same when father went insane, I guess the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree." I patted her shoulder and started looking for Trent. I needed answers after today's events, or I might go insane with curiosity. I saw him talking to a few of the kids that he carried out of the fight. "Trent, we need you at my house. Maxwell says he has something to tell us." I turned to walk away, taking in the burnt and destroyed field.

"So is anyone going to tell us what happened with John, or are we all still in the dark?" Trent sounded frustrated, but I understood what was going through his head.

"Maxwell says he has something to tell us. Don't ask me what, he hasn't even told me yet." I held up my hand as he went to argue with me. I knew it must be hard for him, not being the one to protect his mate and not being here to protect his pack. It will take a toll on a lot of the people we rushed to safety, and those sent to protect them. "Close your mind Trent, I can hear every word you are thinking. And I don't advise you to act on any of them either. I am not my brother."

"But you are Alpha then, you get all the power. What makes you any less able to do this then?" He had reached his limits, and I had to deal with this calmly when I was anything but.

"I am not the Alpha, I don't want the title or the power. A new Alpha will be chosen by the Goddess." I replied as calmly as I could do in my state. "And Trent, next time you want to assume anything about anyone, don't. Not only is it disrespectful, but it is downright rude and unbecoming of my future son-in-law. If she even puts up with someone as rude as yourself." He had the decency to look away, but I could still hear his thoughts. Thoughts that hurt, even if they're not about me directly.

"Would it be okay with you if I asked for her to marry me?"

"Maybe if you clean up that attitude of yours." I winked at him and he perked up a bit. I did as well, the thought of finally having grandbabies excited me. It lifted my mood enough for me to lift everyone else's. "Now come on if you want answers." Trent nodded and we started on our way again.

"Macy can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot kid."

"Why did you turn down the Alpha position?" I was quiet for a minute thinking of why I did it. It seemed easy in theory to explain, but proved harder than previously perceived.

"I have never wanted the title. I want to see change in this pack and not just another few years of the same thing. I suppose once you see what people in power do, you lose interest. Seeing my brother snap on his own family, even though Iris says he wasn't in control, I don't want to risk ever hurting my family. Enough of this though, Maxwell is..." I saw Maxwell run out of my house only to shift and hastily fly away.

"Well, so much for answers right now. His granddaughter is in trouble, he had to rush off to help her. Anyways Marcella is up and she is confused, so we should go to her. Hi I'm Marcella's friend, Derek, I'm from the Shining River Pack." Derek held his hand out for Trent to shake it, but he didn't take Derek's hand.

"So you are the one that attacked my mate. And now you two are suddenly friends?"

"I can feel the testosterone levels from my room, what is so important you wake me up for? Go pee on some trees if you want to act like animals, or if you want answers I'll need chocolate, pain meds for my head, and coffee. Oh and add some blankets and pillows to the list." Marcella winked, then winced as, I assume, her head got worse.

"Marcella dear, what are you doing up? Max said you needed to rest and get your energy back." I started fussing over her pain, and her clothing that was torn to pieces.

"I am fine, just a small migraine. But I was having problems sleeping when my mate decided he wanted to try and grow a pair for one." She glared darkly at Trent, who had the smart idea to run away to the store in our small town. "Coward."

"Marcella get back inside this instance. I will not have you getting sick on me, or even worse having Iris come back too soon and hurt you." I started pushing lightly on her back and forced her to the couch.

"Macy, I think she needs to get her strength back, maybe you should go make that coffee while I get the blankets and pillows."

"I think a few teddy bears would be nice too." She winked at Derek as I left to make the coffee. She was enjoying this a little too much, and using it to her advantage. They raised her right, her past families. A girl needs a little bit of pampering once in a while, even if she has to be weak to get it.

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