5: Repent

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Well after that dark scene from before. Why not have more bizarre feels to go along with it? Here goes the next chapter.

Dmitri's POV

I told Robin I loved him. That's what partners do right? We confess our dying love for each other and hope everything will be smooth sailing. Well not for the lights of Robin and me. He has a boyfriend that loves him and treats him with love that I wouldn't be able to give him. The roaring nature outside my house is ringing my ears. I can't deal with this anymore. I know something is going on with Robin and Felix. I can feel it. Maybe I am in love with him. We did share a few share kisses, but they didn't feel natural more like artificial. I liked him at first but after that heart-shattering occurrence with Felix the first day, we met made my uneasy to honestly tell him my feelings toward Robin.

I am deeply in love with him. He doesn't want to give in and say it. I want him so badly. He gives me air to breathe enough to survive. Well, that is a little extreme to label him as. I do like him more than anything else due to me being a person that have to live, and I dream about him and wishes that he will be okay when I see him again, hopefully. Dreams are just shattered promises that wouldn't exist without that one thing or one person to make it a reality. I guess Robin would be that one thing to make my dream a reality.

He needs me. He doesn't know it fully yet, but he needs me. I just know something is up with him and Felix. The dark, emotionless look in his eye gives off so much hatred. I am just sitting here on my ass doing nothing to fight for him. Not to mentioned this overwhelming amount of hunger for him. I am no more aggressive than Felix. Saying he needs me, and everything like that. I am such an imbecile for even thinking I have a chance. It isn't like he having any issues with him. Dating is hard work.

I need healing. Anything will be acceptable. I just watch I can be stronger to make a stand for myself. Felix is a threat. He is a big threat. I have a lot of work to do to ensure I can do my best at my job. Besides, Robin's conversation at work wouldn't be so bad.

I climbed into my bed staring my ceiling. The spinning ceiling fan is such a metaphor for my life right now. I keep spinning around and around while blowing everything around me away. I shouldn't intervene with Felix and Robin's affairs. Well, it is time for me to go to sleep. I can think about this later.

~~ ~~

The Next Morning

I parked into my usual parking spot. Robin was staring directly at me. His clothes are barely him anymore. He's just wearing a white button-down dress shirt, black slacks, and a black tie. His hair was a mess. I got out of my car, grabbing my spare black blazer in the backseat on a wooden hanger.

"Can I talk you for a minute?" Robin approaches me with a shaky hand on my arm. He was gripping onto my shoulder for dire life, and I don't have to reply to this. I am more afraid of what will come from his mouth.

"Okay, here wear this. I know you are freezing." I suggested as I wrapped my spare blazer on his shoulders. Robin quickly formed a smile on his face only to remove it immediately. This must be the thing he wanted to talk about today on the phone last night. I ushered him into the building and into my office.

I closed the door before making sure no one intrude on us. I turned towards Robin, who was sitting on my desk caressing one of my black pens.

"What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked him curiously and yet concerned for his wellbeing. Robin placed my pen down and walked towards me, leaving no space between us.

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