// t h i r t e e n //

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ooo we've made it 13 chapters so far!

"Look at all the things my true love gave to me." -A.G

"Corey?" I rubbed my eyes to see him standing in front of me.

"Hey!" I raised an eyebrow and started putting my hair into a ponytail.

"Do you realize how-"

"Yes, I just wanted to stop by and say hi quick." I bit my lip and looked out into the empty hallway.

"Come in." I closed the door behind him and took a seat in my chair.

"I know that River is your 'muse'." My eyes widened.


"You guys just suddenly start hanging all the time and things get fishy. Last night could've been another time he blew me off for you. I think he likes you." Oh, I'm well aware.

"Oh. Well it's early and I have pre-exams today so..." Hint hint.

"You like him too don't you?"

"Time to leave, Corey." I stood and gestured for the door.

"You guys kissed didn't you?! I can see it in your face." I wanted to crawl into a hole, but instead I started pushing the boulder heavy Corey out of the door.

"Have a good day, Corey." I shut the door before he could say anything and let out a deep sigh. Wait...how did he know about the project? He's only a freshman.

"Today we're going to be taking more pictures, and I'll be checking in with you to see how many pictures you have of your muse. Half of you take a name." Lightwell held out a hat and half of us went up to take a name. I opened my slip and read the name.

"Ken." The only violator of the project so far.

"Sevine, how's it going?" Ken was a nice guy, but you could tell football would have been a first choice for him instead of photography. He always wore his old school's jersey's and stuff.

"It's good actually."

"This time I want you guys to just take pictures of anything that catches your eye. Have fun!" Someone certainly catches my eye. I looked over at River who was already on a mission with his partner over to a bush of flowers.

"Is there even anything interesting around here?" River.

"Well I heard there was a really big monster beehive around the back of this building." Ken nodded and adjusted his jet black hair as we walked.

"So...what do you think of this project thing?" This is going to get awkward fast.

"I quite like the thrill." I fingered with my lilac sweater, trying to look anywhere but him.

"Do you know the reason why I violated the rules?" His tone sounded tense.


"Phoenix told me that so and so's photographer was taking advantage of his muse. He used the project to take intimate pictures of her without her permission. He told me he found the pictures under his pillow in the guys dorm room. I didn't believe him at first, but then he showed me. I had to tell her. So I did." He suddenly stopped walking and so did I.

"Then how did you get caught?" I refused to look at him, but I knew he was staring holes into the side of my head.

"She confronted him and let it slip that I told her. He then lied to Lightwell. He told her I told the girl who her photographer was, yes, but not why. Adding to that, because of my iffy history she decided not to believe me. So I was eliminated from my photographer duties. So I'm not really the bad guy here."

My eyes widened and I looked over to him.

"I'm sorry Ken..."

"This grade was huge for me...I'd really like to be a professional photographer. Football was the ideal, but I love it just as much as I love taking photos. I had to be realistic and this is realistic. It kinda sucks that some asshole had to ruin it for me." He said in disappointment.

"Well pre exams today should help you in other classes. You can always go to Lightwell and ask for another way to get a grade."

"Thanks, Sevine. Sorry, let's keep going." We started walking again when I voiced my thoughts.

"Phoenix...River Phoenix, right?" He nodded as we turned the corner.

"I told him I wouldn't say anything about him, it just wouldn't be fair yanno? I hope he wins this, he's a really good guy. Bright future ahead...deserves it." There was this sudden warm feeling those words gave me. River is obviously a fantastic guy, he's so lovable, and I'm glad others think so too.

"There it is." I pointed up at the humongous hive and Ken's jaw dropped.

"That is huge. You sure killer bees don't live in that thing?" I laughed lightly and shrugged.

"I don't know actually, let's take a picture and scadaddle." Ken nodded and we began taking some. Suddenly there was a loud click and flash from behind us. I looked back and saw River smirking. I raised an eyebrow, but his smirk soon turned into a scared expression.

"Run!" Ken grabbed my hand and I had to dash to keep up.

"What are we running from?!"

"His flash alerted the hive!" Oh hell no.

Hope you guys like this chapter, I know I said I'd bring the portfolio back but I decided some new drama should be added here instead. The next chapter WILL have the portfolio, I promise you. And Merry Christmas! I did ask for 80's things but sadly didn't receive anything like River hoodies or Corey posters. Unless a Wonder Woman onesie counts because comics??? I tried. It was Corey's birthday the 23rd too, happy belated 44th sunshine! Alright, any feedback on the book so far guys? xx

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