// f o u r t e e n //

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"What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that's gone forever, impossible to reproduce." -K.L

"Heard you got stung yesterday." I nodded and held out my arm.

"Three times. River didn't even get stung and it was his fault." I laughed at the fact, because it was sorta funny if you thought about it.

"Well, it could have been worse?" Evee shrugged and we burst into laughter. I then let my eyes wander to my tattoo and smiled.

"Someone's obviously crushing." I looked up at Evee and pulled at her black hair.

"Don't tease me lady." She stood and tossed me my book bag. I grabbed my camera bag and we headed outside. I got out my camera and turned it on, making sure it was okay. It was a regular thing I liked to do before classes, just so I didn't carry a dysfunctional one around with me.

"There is your muse, Sevine." Evee pointed to River sitting on a railing and I was tempted to take a picture, but I was afraid to get caught.

"Just pull it off like you're playing around. After you get a good shot, I'll play along to." I nodded and jumped in front of River and took a shot.

"Strike a pose that I may fancy or thy shall perish!" I shouted. Evee ran behind River and started posing as he started laughing.

"What are you doing?" Evee smiled and winked. I looked down at my shot and immediately did a mental fist bump with myself.

"We are being models you and me." Evee said as she blew a kiss towards the camera and I took more shots as River started to play along.

"Ah, I cannot get enough! Perfection! Beauty!" I soon started laughing uncontrollably. River and Evee joined in and I couldn't help but try to admire River through my fits of laughter.

"Class starts up in about 10 minutes, gotta go, Evee." I gave her a side hug and began walking. I felt a hand on my lower back and smiled.

"So...how's it hanging?" I laughed softly and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? What a great conversation starter." He took off his sunglasses and put them in his bag.

"Alright then. We should go out tonight. Like on a date." I stopped in my tracks and looked at River like a deer caught in headlights.

"You? On a date with me?" He nodded and poked my forehead.

"You're the only one I'm talking to, dummy." He turned towards me and placed his hands on my cheeks.

"Well...umm...sure that sounds great...uh...but curfew and stuff-"

"Great." He pecked my lips with his soft ones and we continued walking.

"You sure you wanna go with me?" I asked, pointing to myself. River nodded.

"Wouldn't have it any other way, Sevine."

"I think that I didn't fail?" Christopher laughed and poked my nose. What is with people poking my face?

"You're smart, Sev. I wouldn't be surprised if you do absolutely perfect in all of your classes. You thinking about more things for your future job?" I bit my lip as I thought.

"Well, not lately. Exams and stuff have gotten me. But I know I'll be getting back it to more." Christopher wiggled his eyebrows and took a sip of his coffee. What type of person drinks coffee at 4:30 pm?

"And by stuff are we talking about Mr.Phoenix?" My jaw dropped at what anyone would have known was a perverted question.

"Christopher! No! Bad Christopher!" I smacked his arm playfully and we joined together in laughter.

"Well you've been hanging around with him a lot. No kisses on the first date, alright?" I did a face palm and shook my head.

"How the hell...?"

"Was walking to class this morning and you guys sure aren't secretive. Cute kiss there." Christopher then leant over the outdoor table and hugged me.

"Gotta go to my last class, and know I've got your back if he wants to be a prick." He tossed his coffee cup into a trash bin and walked off. I rolled my eyes in amusement and stood to head to the dorms.

"How's your arm?" I turned to see Ken walking beside me. I nodded and smiled.

"It could be better, but it could have been worse." The thought of River actually wanting an actual date with me made me shiver. I never really thought of what we were before, I just went with it.

"That is true." I almost cringed as he turned his head slightly and the stings he received on his neck were visible.

"Youch. How's that doing?"

"Hard to sleep, hard to turn my neck, just hard to use my head overall." I felt so bad at the sound of that.

"I'm really sorry I even suggested to go near a beehive." Ken shrugged it off and smiled.

"It's all cool. At least my name is cleared in someone's eyes." I squeezed his shoulder and leaned up on my toes to kiss his cheek.

"You're a good guy, Ken. You'll get out of this. I'll help you, River, and the girl do it too." He smiled brightly and attempted to turn his head but winced.

"Ow. But thanks, I'll talk to them about it. You're a good girl too, Sevine. See ya around." He waved and started walking to the boys' dormitories.

"Date time...wait...where are we even going?" I whispered to myself, very confused.


I have to back to school in like 3 days. I'm going to try really hard to update once more before then. xx

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