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"I walk, I look, I see, I stop, I photograph." -L.L

"When writing the story of your life, don't let anyone else hold the pen," Professor McAdams halted, his right side facing us. "Everybody, what would something like writing...ever have to do with photography? Hmm?" I held my highlighter between my teeth as I wrote down the quote in my notes.

"Ms.Carter?" I looked up to see everyone glance or look at me. I took the highlighter out of my mouth and capped it.

"Umm...well, 'A photo holds a thousand words', as we've been told before, I could write down the description of a sunset and this whole class might be bored...but if I showed you the picture of the amazing sunset, you would never even begin to guess how many words, phrases, and sentences could describe the photo." Mr.McAdams smiled in approval.

"Someone has taken her notes...but...what if you didn't have those notes, Ms.Carter?" I blinked, confused.

"Well uh...those words didn't come from my notes, Professor. Well only the memorized quote did...but I told you what I thought." He grinned and clasped his hands together.

"That is my goal with all of you here. To get you to go above and beyond with your imagination and your minds. This course is not all about just me, droning on and on about the first development of a camera. No, this is 'Creative Photographic Lecture'...yes, it says lecture in the name. But it fooled many of you guys didn't it? This course is more enjoyable than you thought."

Many of the students, including myself, nodded. When they told me I had to take this Lecture class I thought, 'pure exhausting painful torture'. Never did I think, Professor McAdams and his jokes, or his determination to let us all take our own path. But, I guess that's college for you. Sorta...

"Well, looks like my time with you all is up. Don't forget to study up for the pre-exam next Thursday." I packed up everything into my school bag except my camera and its bag. I rushed over to the Professor at his podium.

"Professor McAdams, may I take a picture of this board?" I asked, hopefully. He nodded and gestured to the board.

"I would not deny you such an opportunity, Ms.Carter." I smiled and nodded.

"Thanks." I took out my camera and got on one knee, down to the table the quoted board was sat on. I scooted over to the left side to get more of an interesting angle and slightly rose on my leg. I snapped the photo and almost squealed as I previewed it.

"See you tomorrow, Professor!" I waved and rushed out of the room to get across campus to my next course.

"Look who it is, the gorgeous Sevine Carter." I bowed, taking off my black fedora for a split second before standing straight and replacing it.

"It is she." I sat next to my closest friends on campus, at a little table outside, Hattie, Christopher, and Evee.

"So, how are all of you doing?"

"Pre-exams." They all groaned simultaneously, making me laugh.

"Study your butts off then! Maybe you guys wouldn't have to study so hard last minute if you would take notes, and not stay up so late." I gave Christopher a pointed look.

"I'm a night owl, I can't help it."

"And if you do stay up that late, maybe you should use your wise night owl brain to study too." He groaned dramatically and pretended to choke himself.

"How are you so cheery all the time, Sevine?" Evee asked, for the millionth time in her life.

"I came here to live out my passion, photography. I will do anything and everything to get to my dream. You guys know about The Dream Portfolio." They all sighed dramatically.

"You talk about that little black folder all the time." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't!" The Dream Portfolio was what I wanted for myself. What I would work very hard for. And also where I'd put pieces of typed of "diary entries" as Hattie calls them. They're about a paragraph descriptions of what I've photographed that day and if I sold any pictures to this little art gallery I know.

I made sure to keep it a secret from everyone, except Hattie. If word got out Mel's Art Gallery bought photos from a college student, I wouldn't be able to make as much money as I do now from there. I'd put pictures of photography studios I wanted mine to represent in The Dream Portfolio, potential prices, and even possible locations I wanted to put it in. I'm definitely an easy learner when I have a little free reign. And that's why I chose this college. It focused on the arts and business.

The University of The Business Arts. Not a very unique name, but it had caught my eye when trying to apply for schooling. I was beyond thrilled my first choice school had accepted me.

"Well, looks like my breaks over." I said, glancing at my watch.

"Sevine, what time is it?" Evee asked, nervously.

"2:47." Her eyes widened and she grabbed her bag and broke into a sprint. I laughed softly and turned to the remainder of my friends left.

"See you guys around." I waved, turning on my heel and walking into the nearest building, where my favorite course was held.

Sevine- Suh•veen

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