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"No need to defend yourself if you know you didn't do anything wrong." -Me

I shrugged off my bags onto my bed and plopped into my comfy chair. All I needed was a nice nap...but I had to head to class in a few minutes. I sighed and glanced over at the window. The light made the whole room shine like a disco ball, which was the way I liked things most of the time. Full of spark and life. There were 4 loud knocks at my door suddenly.

I stood and opened the door.

"Yes?" I furrowed my eyes at the unknown man standing in front of me. He wore nice pretty nice clothes, but they weren't really suit and tie.

"Hello, my brother goes here, and I was wondering where I might find him?" He looked so confused as many of the college girls in the hall drooled as they stared at him. He looked a bit older for any girls here besides maybe some fourth or fifth year girls.

"And who would your brother be?"

"River Phoenix." I am just surrounded by this boy aren't I?

"I have my next class with him in a couple minutes, if you would like not to be devoured by these girls, I suggest you'd come in for a bit." I stepped out of the doorway and gestured him in. He smiled gratefully and walked in, me closing the door behind him.

"Thank you. By the way, my name is Joaquin Phoenix." He held out his very masculine hand and I shook it gently.

"Nice to meet you, Joaquin. It's Sevine." I smiled and started to gather up my camera equipment and class materials.

"River always liked photography, the arts in general. Poetry, acting, and-"

"Drawing?" I glanced at Joaquin and he smiled.

"I can safely assume you've seen his work." I nodded and slung my bags over my left shoulder.

"I have. It's absolutely beautiful. I haven't seen much since last year, so it's probably professional looking by now." I grabbed my banana smoothie I had gotten a few minutes before I came back to the dormitories and turned towards Joaquin.

"Ready?" He nodded and we left the girls dorms. As we walked across the campus we got a few looks. I honestly didn't care if it looked like we were together, because I knew we weren't.

"I'm really sorry if I'm causing you trouble." Joaquin laid a hand on my shoulder sincerely. I smiled and shook my head.

"You're fine. Let them think, but we know, Mr.Phoenix." He chuckled and didn't say another word until we entered a building and stopped outside the course room. I looked inside and River wasn't in there yet.

"Okay, so River isn't in there yet, so he should be here soon. He really isn't ever late, and Lightwell will let everyone know who's late. Trust me." He laughed and nodded.

"Thank you, Ms.Sevine. I owe you one." I waved it off.

"I'm just happy to help. See ya." I waved to Joaquin then walked into the room, taking a random seat. I wonder what's so big that Joaquin "owes me one"?

Out of the corner of my eye I saw River approach Joaquin. He looked absolutely furious as Joaquin began talking. He wasn't yelling, but River looked like he wanted to set a bomb to his brother. I tried to busy myself by looking over my schedule, but my eyes kept wavering over to the two brothers. Suddenly River's face softened and he looked straight at me.

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