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"I would never do anything unless I believed in it." -R.P

I took several deep breaths, rocking back and forth on my comfy chair.

"Chill, Sevine. It's just your Mom." Hattie said from my bed, as she studied. Actually studying, it's surprising.

"But she's never been here before, and you've met her before Hattie, you know how she is with new things." Hattie looked at me through her glasses with the 'I know' look.

"She's quick to judge a bit too quickly and too cautious with simple things. Like your belly piercing." I said, sighing.

"But she only means it to protect you, Sevine. She only means good, and I found that out after the piercing ordeal."

"I'm not only nervous, but I'm excited. She can see how well I'm managing out here by myself, and I was thinking of taking her to Mel's Gallery." Hattie smiled and nodded.

"You should definently take her there." I pulled my hair out of it's regular ponytail and shook it out.

"The lion has arisen." Hattie commented, chuckling. I threw my neck pillow at her face and she threw it back, but I caught it.

"Thanks, my neck was starting to hurt again." I laid back against the pillow and closed my eyes, but seconds later there was a knock on the door. Well goodbye relaxtion.

"Mom!" I opened the door and she immediately took me into her arms. People always commented on how she was on the larger side, but it made for good hugs because she was such a warm person.

"Hi sweetie, I've missed you so much. I'm all alone at the house besides Rion." She went into the hallway and grabbed a cat carrier.

"Rion!" I opened the door and cuddled my little black kitty. He purred and nuzzled close to my chest.

"You always did like boobs." Hattie said, standing up next to me.

"Hattie!" Her and my Mom hugged for a quick minute and then it just got awkward.

"Uh...so, how do you like the campus?" I asked, sitting on my comfy chair, resting my neck back on the pillow, as the ruthless pain was coming back.

"It's nicely set up, and the students seem quite nice when I asked for directions." She sat on my bed as well as Hattie. But Hattie went right back to her work.

"Well that's good. Anything else?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. I knew my Mom like the back of my hand, she can't hide anything from me.

"Do you ever tight rope over to the boys' dorms?"

"You're funny, Mom. No, I don't. I stay here and focus on photography. Well besides when I go to class and stop by Mel's." And go to the occasional party with Chris, but she won't ever know that. I never get drunk, but that's definently what she'll think.

"You are very passionate about what you do, Sevine. You truly are my daughter." I smiled and flipped my hair.

"Obviously." But I knew I got most of my looks from my Dad, which would pain my Mom almost everytime she looked at me. They got divorced about 6 years ago, and he's been a big traveler since then. I did love him a lot, and before college, I'd go around the world with him. It was pretty neat, and he himself has yet to come to see me here.

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