// s e v e n //

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"Do it today, or regret it tommorow." -unknown

"And here we are, m'lady." I smiled as River opened my door and held out his hand for me to take. I set my hand in his and exited the vehicle, him closing the door behind me. He started leading us along the boardwalk, holding my hand.

"Isn't it just beautiful?" The sky was beginning to turn orange and the sun was about to nearly start setting, it's reflection showing in the sea.

"It is absolutely beautiful." I couldn't help but stare at it, hoping River wouldn't lead me into into a pole of some sort.

"Down here." River jumped over a broken gap in the boards. He held out his arms, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, him lifting me down onto the dock.

"Thanks." He nodded.

"Anything to get my drawing." I chuckled and sat down, River following suit.

"So, what's in that bag of yours?" I asked, gesturing to the bag he brought.

"My supplies, of course." He zipped it open and pulled out a really large sketchbook, bigger than the ones I occasionally see him with. Then followed dozens of different pencils, a ruler, and protractor.

"Somebody likes to be percise." I teased.

"Well, I like to put my all into everything I do, or not do it at all." I'll keep that in mind.

"That's a good way to do things. Now, is there a certain pose you'd like me to do?" He shrugged.

"You can sit here and talk, I'd like to get to know more about you, Sevine Carter." He added on a short smirk.

"Umm...well I'd like to own a photography studio someday. Somewhere where there's a lot of locations to go to, so I can keep busy."

"So you'd like to do pictures of...?" He glanced up at my face and back down to his paper.

"Anything really. Whether it's a picture of a cactus for somebody's grandparent, or a fruit themed wedding." River's lips curled up slightly and I smiled too, knowing I could make him smile that cute smile. He didn't too much that I've seen, but I love when he does. Calm down, Sevine.

"Does Sevine Carter have any guilty pleasures?" His eyes wandered around my face, sucking in the details. I can't wait to see the results.

"She likes body art." River raised an eyebrow.

"Like tattoos?"

"Like tattoos, paint, Henna, markers, and make up. I would love to get some tattoos soon, to be honest."

"Hmm, interesting. You're starting to make me curious, Curious Bunny."

"Please lemme see!" River shook his head. I pouted. Not fair.

"But it's a drawing of me! I deserve to see it!" He stopped walking and nodded.

"Alright. After we make a few stops, then you can see it." I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Stops? What do you mean-woah!" River began running, making me have to run to keep up as we ran across the boardwalk, the occasional people looking at us like we were crazed elephants. He looked over at me and took my hand, laughing.

"Slow poke." When we finally made it back to the car I got in on the passenger side, River in the driver seat and as soon as the car started he zoomed off.

"Why so fast?!" I yelled, jolting forward.

"Gotta get there before they close!" River rolled down the windows, allowing my hair to whip into my face.

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