// e p i l o g u e //

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Before this epilogue starts I just want to say thank you to everyone who's voted and read this to the end. Your comments are always loved and appreciated, so thank you very much. You guys deserve the ending for Sevine and River.
3 years later...

"Riv, how have your photos come out?" I asked, looking over his shoulder onto his desk. The Jamison's wanted an autumn themed family portrait, so River took them out to a campsite, and got some amazing pictures.

"Henry was quite difficult during pictures, so I think they'll be surprised on how well they turned out. How's she?" River asked abruptly, turning around in his spin chair to feel my stomach.

"She wants to come out, and I want her to too." I responded with a groan. She was pressing on my bladder and it was quite unpleasant. River took my hand and squeezed it.

"It'll be okay. She's got 2 weeks left in there to be comfy. Till then why don't we close up?" He asked with that assuring smile I adored. I nodded and went to my desk to put papers away.

Upon putting some papers in my drawer I caught the glint of something. I looked up to see a diamond ring on the desk.

"Riv, did a client leave their ring here?" I asked and picked up the jewelry piece. It was a very pretty medium sized diamond. Nothing too flashy and nothing too unnoticeable and easy to misplace.

"If you consider me a client to your heart." He spoke and took the ring from me. He took my hand and got down on one knee.

"Sevine, I have no idea when we'll be able to get married with a baby on the way, but I know that I love you with my all. This is the promise of forever. I vow to love you till I die, as long as you'll promise the same. Marry me?" River proclaimed as he held up the ring in a traditional manner.

"Yes! I'd be thrilled to marry you." I said with my voice cracking. I felt tears roll down my face as River placed the ring on the correct finger. He stood and wiped my face before pulling me into his kiss.

In that moment my heart was filled with bliss. I owned a photography studio with my fiancé who was the father of my unborn daughter. I couldn't imagine life to be any better than it was now. Little did I know how much would happen.

Our daughter, Aria, was born followed by another girl, Penelope, 5 years after Aria. River and I soon hired Aria as a photographer to work with us, while Pen was set on pursuing a singing career, which River helped her achieve. The night River died was terrible. He had a heart attack, and had been previously stressed out from the lack of money we'd gotten from the photography business, but soon Aria's son River, made sure to carry out his grandfather's legacy with his wife, Sara. Well that's what he promised me on my deathbed anyway.

"Grandma, I promise Grandpa won't be forgotten." He held my hand tightly with tears threatening to escape his eyes. I smiled and nodded weakly.

"I know he won't, Riv. He would be so happy to see you. Take this." I picked up a black portfolio I had by my bed side for my nights in the hospital. River took it and moved some of his golden hair out of his face, because it made his nose tickle just like his grandpa.

"It's you taking pictures of Grandpa, isn't it?" He asked with a grin. I nodded. He scanned all the photos carefully until the last page.

The first photo was a picture of us. The next was with us and Aria. Then with Pen. Finally us with our daughters and little River.

"Your great uncle Corey took all of those. Make sure you visit him as soon as possible, Riv. Make sure he sees those pictures." I spoke with a smile before coughing started overtaking me. River's eyes widened as my heart monitor started racing. He pressed my red button for nurse help numerous rushed times.

"Someone get in here and help my Grandma! Please! It's gonna be okay Grandma, calm down, take a deep breath." River turned to me and began pressing kisses to my head.

"It'll," I coughed. "Be okay." I swallowed a big gasp of air. Things started getting a bit blurry as doctors and nurses came in and River cried out for me. Just before he left I gave him a small wink.

And through all of his tears...he winked back.

For a moment all I could see was his grandfather. I knew I'd be with him once more soon.


So, there is our epilogue. I hope you enjoyed The Secret Project. 💕 All the love and be you xx

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