Best Friends

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“Amelia Willis found hung in closet!”

“15 year old Amelia Willis has been found hung in her closet. Her mother said she hd been bullied and every night, she would come back from school crying. Both her parents think she committed suicide because she had been bullied. Investigators haven’t discovered who the bullies are.”

Hannah, Amelia’s only friend started crying after reading the article in the newspaper. Hannah was Amelia’s only friend and Amelia was Hannah’s only friend. Though Hannah never got bullied, Amelia did. Hannah was the only one who knew exactly who the bullies where but she didn’t want to say anything. The bullies where Molly Smith, Alex Laints and Laura Beroner.

Since Amelia passed, Hannah always sat alone at lunch and recess. She had nobody to cheat with in math, and she was just really lonely.

One night, about 2 or 3 weeks after Amelia passed, Hannah remembered what she told Amelia when Amelia called her in tears a week before she killed herself. The conversation went like this.

- Hannah, they hurt me!

- Who?

- Them, the bullies, they all started punching me and slapping me!

- It's okay Amelia. I promise, if they hurt you again, I'll take care of them.

- How? They are three and you’re only one.

- Don’t worry, I have my own way of doing it.

Hannah remembered the entire conversation and she knew she had to do something, but what?

Hannah had her own little diary, she would write her thoughts inside. That night, all she wrote was "Dear diary, Amelia killed herself and I feel so lonely, I feel worthless without her. I miss her so much that I would have taken the same choice as her, but I want to live. The only problem is, it won't all get out of my head until I punish them all for killing my best friend but I can't find a way to punish them."

Then she went to bed.

The next morning, she went to school and her first class was math. She felt so horrible that Amelia had committed suicide that she just ran out of the class crying. She ran to the washroom and just kept repeating, "What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?"

Then, she realized she wasn’t alone, she heard someone crying in a cabin. She kicked the door open and found Amelia inside. She knew it wasn't Amelia as Amelia was dead. Hannah closed her eyes for 3 seconds, took a deep breath and opened her eyes. Amelia was gone but she turned around and saw "Read your diary", written in the steamed bathroom mirror.

Hannah ran back home without advising the principal and took her diary. She turned to the last page and started reading. Hannah turned very pale as she read something that wasn’t written by her. It read, "Hey Hannah, it’s me, Amelia. I know is hard to believe but please trust me. I know exactly how to punish them, but it will take a lot of work to do it. You have to kill them, bring their bodies somewhere nobody can see and burn them. By burning their bodies, you’re sending them to me. Once I get them, I will send them all to hell. Also, while you’re killing them, I will be watching and I have the power to give you all the strength you need."

"I will do anything to punish someone who killed you", whispered Hannah to her after reading.

So Hannah ran back to school, it was almost the end of the day. She waited for the three girls outside. The girls finally came outside. Hannah told them she had something to show them. They fell for it and followed Hannah. Hannah brought them to the woods.

She first punched Alex and then she slapped Laura and finally kicked Molly. Then she took out a knife and stabbed them all. Hannah made sure they where all still alive but they where in too much pain to move so they could feel the pain while she was burning them.

Hannah took out a lighter and set a fire. She threw all of the girls in the fire. She knew she was sending them to Amelia so they could go to hell.

When everything was done, Hannah went back home and didn’t tell anyone. She knew she would get caught by the police eventually. She decided to write in her diary one last time. It said "I just killed the three girls and sent them to hell, but now the police will find out so I'm going to hang myself just like Amelia and join her up there. If she was lonely here, she must be lonely there". 

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