Wake up

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We had just finished moving into a new house. This house was large, old and red. A bright, bloody type of red. I walked inside, wanting to get a feel of the house. I couldn't explain it, but this house just gave me the creeps. I could sense something was wrong. I brushed off these feelings, after all, there wasn't anything wrong with this house, right?

I had just settled down to sleep when I heard thumping around upstairs in the attic. Yes, my room was right underneath the attic. I pulled up the covers, trying to ignore it. I moved around, trying to get comfortable. There were so many lumps in my bed that it was impossible to do so. I finally sat up, my brown curls swaying around my face. I stood up and grabbed the
mattress cover, pulling it off.

What I saw underneath made me scream. It was my dad's severed head, his eyes taken out. "Mom!" I screamed. No answer.

I ran upstairs, wanting to find my mom. I first checked the guest room-empty. My parents bedroom-also empty. That left only one room, the attic. I slowly turned and went up the steps leading to it. I grabbed the door and slowly turned the doorknob and opened it. I had been expecting a lot of things,
but nothing prepared me for what I saw.

There my mother was, sitting up in a chair, her eyes taken out and a carved
smile on her face. As I screamed in horror, something grabbed me from behind. "How nice of you to join us Sara", the voice said. I screamed again and tried to run, kicking at them. They turned me around and sat me in a chair next to my mom.

"Time to make you beautiful!", they laughed, taking out a knife.
I screamed in terror.

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