Imaginary Friends

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When Georgia was four years old she had lots of imaginary friends. Her favorite one was named Celice and they would always play nonstop.

By the time Georgia was eight years old she got over her imaginary friends. Georgia made real friends and always invited them over.

One day when Georgia was 15, a car was about to hit her. She felt as if something pushed her out of the way. Thinking it was just her instincts, she didn't have any other suspicions. She went on with her life not knowing it was Celice.

Celice started to get angry. When Georgia was 17 and having a sleepover, they heard a tapping at the window outside her room. Georgia thought it was just somebody trying to prank them. She went to go check and saw nobody was there. She then went back into her room.

Ten minutes later they heard a louder tapping. Georgia got mad and went to go check again. She opened the window and yelled out, "If you knock again I will call the cops!" She closed the window and went back to her room.

Twenty minutes later a louder tapping was heard at the window. Georgia was scared now so she called the cops and asked them if they could stay on the line because somebody was tapping on her window and she thought they were trying to break in.

Twenty-five minutes later a louder tapping happened. Georgia put the cops on speaker and went to go check, scared. She didn't see anything. She slowly walked to her room seeing if they would come back. When she went back into her room she found all her friends were dead.

Georgia screamed and ran to her parent's room. She was frightened at the sight. Her dad's body parts were scattered everywhere and her mom's body was on her study while her head was on the bed with a note attached.

Shivering, Georgia grabbed the note. It read, "Hello Georgia, do you want to play? I have had a great time playing with everybody else but I am done playing with them forever. YOUR TURN! signed Celice!

Georgia was stunned. She turned around and saw a small figure in a green dress with blood splattered on her. She managed to choke out, " Celice?" Celice gave her a stern look and said, "I played with you all those years and stayed faithful. I even pushed you out of the way of a car and you do this to me. Is this how you repay me?"

Georgia closed her eyes and counted to five hoping this was all just a dream. When she opened her eyes she was in a room with all the dead bodies. She ran over to the door but it was locked. She called the police again and they answered. She told them a girl had murdered everybody in her house and she was next. The police said they would be there soon.

Georgia hung up and heard Celice outside saying, "I just want to play Georgia. Come on and let's play the funnest game ever. DEATH!"

Georgia turned around and saw Celice holding a knife. Georgia backed up into a dead body. She screamed with all her might but nobody could hear her as she was in the basement of a three story house.

Celice unlocked the door and said, "It is more fun when I have to play tag." Georgia ran out but Celice appeared in front of her and stabbed her in the hand saying in a devilish voice, "TAG YOUR IT!" Celice ran off and said, "LETS PLAY HIDE-AND-SEEK!"

Georgia ran to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. Celice said," IT IS MORE FUN WHEN THE OTHER PERSON STARTS TO PLAY!" All Georgia could hear was laughter from all directions. She dropped down on her knees and started to cry. She looked up and saw Celice standing right above her saying, "OH DON'T BE A CRY BABY GEORGIA!"

The cops arrived and Celice disappeared. The police assumed Georgia was the one who did it. She was too shocked to prove them wrong.

When Georgia's boyfriend heard about it he researched the history of that house and found out that a girl named Celise was kidnapped and brutally murdered in it, years ago. Soon after that a new family with a five year old daughter moved in and she made imaginary friends with Celice...

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