Chapter 3

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Albus led the way down to the dinning hall the next morning. Scorpios followed him down and they sat at the Slytherin table together. Albus helped himself to bacon and toast while Scorpios filled his plate with bacon and egg. “You’re going to look like an egg at that rate!” grinned Albus


Albus laughed and elbowed him playfully in the ribs. Their was a loud screech as the first of the owls flew in. an owl dropped a package in front of Scorpius and another owl did the same to Albus. He opened his letter first to see a message from his dad.

Dear Albus

That’s wonderful news that your in


. Of course me and your mother would of preferred you to be in Gryffindor. We’re happy that your making friends and just don’t let James wind you up. Try hard in your lessons and be good. We love you Albus.

Love Dad and Mom

“See your parents are cool and write to you. My parents haven’t bothered”

“Don’t worry Scorp, perhaps they are waiting ‘till you’ve settled in”


“It’s better then having to say Scorpios all the time” said Albus.

“Yeah - I guess”

Joe walked down the table handing everyone their time tables. Albus looked at his when he got it “Herboligy first”

“Oh goody” sighed Scorpios.

“Cheer up, Grumpy” said Albus smiling.

Scorp grinned and got up “Come on otherwise wear going to be late.”

Together, the two boys walked to the large greenhouses. “Come on in boys” smiled Professor Longbottom.

Albus stood with Scorp and put on his gloves. “Right, welcome to your first Herbolagy lesson.” began the Professor. “Today we will be learning the property’s of Dittany, now can anyone tell me what Dittany is?”

Albus put up his hand and long bottom nodded to him. “Dittany helps cure some wounds”

“yes well done, 10 points to


The class grinned at Albus.

The class droned on for an hour and by the end of it Albus was bored out of his mind. He looked over at Scorp to see his friend face down on the table. As Albus looked around, he saw that most of the class wear looking bored. As they walked out of the greenhouse, Albus spotted his brother with a bunch of Grifindor’s. James walked over to him and Scorp “How’s Slytherin?”

“It’s great!”

“Have you written to Mom and Dad yet?”

“Yeah, I got a letter from them this morning to”

James nodded “Just don’t get going on the Quidditch team”

James walked off.

“Come on Al, we have flying lesson”


Scorp laughed and led the way to the flying pitch.

“Welcome to your first flying lesson. I’m Professor Krum and I’ll teach you the game of Quidditch.” Albus couldn’t really believe it when it was announced that Victor Krum would be his teacher and the new head of  Slytherin

.“Alright, who here has ridden a broom before?” asked Krum.

Albus, Scorp and a few others put up their hand. “Good, hmm….Mr Potter, why don’t you show the rest of the class how to hover?”

Albus gave a nod and got onto his broom and kicked off from the ground and hovered for a few seconds before coming back down. “Excellent, 5 points to Slytherin,

now everyone else try it.” Albus watched as the rest of the class hovered on their brooms. Most of them were wobbly including Scorp who nearly fell off. “Try and keep steady please Mr Malfoy” said Krum.

Scorp looked rather embarrassed as he touched back down.

The rest of the lesson was not as exiting. Krum taught them all the different balls involved with quidditch and what each player in the team were called. “We need a new seeker,” said Krum “and our captain Eliza Gretel wants to see what each of you can do and see if we can find a new seeker.”

Albus looked at Scorpius. Both of their dads had been great seekers when they were at Hogwarts. Krum called up Sliven’s one bye one and they had to try and catch a very small but very fast ball. Everyone failed to catch it apart from Oscar but he caught it in 10 minuets which Eliza said was a too slower time. “Scorpius Malfoy” called Krum.

“Good luck Scorp” smiled Albus.

Scorp smiled back at him and got on his broom and chased after the ball. Albus watched his friend zoom round and try to catch the ball. Krum called him back after a while and Scorp landed with a sigh.

“Don’t worry Scorp, I’m sure you can get another position”

“yeah I guess”

“Albus Potter”

“Good luck Al” whispered Scorp.

Albus got on his broom and the next thing he knew he was up in the air. Albus looked around for a minute, trying to find the ball. When he did, he zoomed off after it and chased it all around the quidditch pitch. He dove and swerved after it until he finally managed to grab it. The next thing he knew, the


were crowding around him cheering. Krum and Eliza joined them and smiled at Albus. “Congratulations Potter, you’re our new Seeker.”

“I cant believe it! I can’t believe you’re the new Seeker!”

“Calm down Scorp” said Albus.

They walked down the corridor together . News had spread fast that Albus was the new Seeker. They had already seen his brother James who was annoyed with him for being Seeker as he himself was Seeker for the Grifindor’s.

“I can’t, it’s just so exiting! No first years have made the team since your dad was at school!”

Albus grinned and walked with Scorpius up the staircase. They had defence against the dark arts, the lesson Albus was most looking forwards to. No one knew who their teacher was as no one had seen him at the feast last night or at breakfast this morning. “When do you have practice?” asked Scorp as they walked into the class room.

“Friday nights and Saturday mornings” replied Albus.

“You need to get a broom! You can’t let your brother have a better broom then you, I mean he has a comet 3500, the second best broom there is!”

“What’s the best broom?” asked Albus

“The Firebolt”

“Oh, that’s my dad’s old broom, its hanging over the fire place at home”

Scorpius’s face fell and his mouth hung open. “You have the best broom in the world hanging above your fire place!?”

Albus have an unconvertible nod “Well….yeah”

Scorp shook his head “You’re messed up mate, like seriously”

Albus grinned and lightly shoved his friend as they sat down. The Grifindor’s were in this class as well. He looked over at his cousin Rose, who smiled and waved at him.

“Welcome to your first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson” said a very familiar voice. Albus froze and looked up as the Professor walked past him. “I’m your new teacher, Professor Potter”


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