Chapter 8

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“Albus wake up!”

“go away” mumbled Albus.

“get up Al!”

Albus opened an eye to see Scorpius leaning over him “Happy Christmas Al”

Albus grinned “happy Christmas Scor”

Albus pulled on some jeans and a top from the other couch and made his way to the tree with him.

They knelt down in front of the tree as Scorpius looked at him and gently kissed him. Albus kissed him back gently, closing his eyes. Suddenly Scorpius broke away and looked at something behind Albus. Albus swayed slightly as if he was almost intoxicated by the kiss he and his new boyfriend had shared. Boyfriend….that was going to be something to get used to.

“are you two dating!”

Albus whipped his head around to look at his family who had gathered in the front room.

“yup” smiled Scorpius holding Albus’s hand. Albus looked at their hands then at his family.

“aww” giggled Lilly “your so cute together”

Albus frowned and turned to sit looking at the tree “lets just open the stupid presents”

The whole family sat around the tree which seemed to expand. “right, as with Weasley/ Potter tradition, the adults get their presents first and the kids don’t get one” grinned granddad Weasley.

“HEY!” said all of the children.

“ah! Only joking”

They relaxed all apart from Rose who had started to sniffle.

“what’s wrong Rose?” asked Uncle Ron.

“excuse me, I need to go out” she got up and ran upstairs.

Albus frowned and followed her up. “Rose?” he asked.

“what do you want Albus?” she sniffled.

“what’s wrong Rose?”


“tell me Rose”

“you really want to know?”


“alright then….I like Scorpius!”

Albus stopped. His cousin liked his boyfriend? “wait….you like Scor?”

“yes! Only the way you like him…..but now I cant be with him because he’s with you!”

“I-I’m sorry Rose”

She sighed “it’s not your fault Al…..besides….now I have two gay best friends”

Albus hugged her and she smiled at him “can we go back down now?”

“yeah” said Albus, still a little unsure about the whole thing.

They walked back down the stairs together and laughed at the sight before them.

James was sitting on the floor with black rings around his eyes. “a punching telescope sweet!” grinned Albus.

“how did you fall for that one James?” asked Rose.

“it was in a skiving snack box” he muttered rubbing his eye.

Albus laughed again and sat back down beside Scorpius. “you alright Rose?” asked Scor.

Rose nodded sitting down next to Albus. “this ones for you” she said.

Albus took the box and looked at the label. ’to Albus, merry Christmas love from Aunty Hominine, uncle Ron, Rose and Hugo’

Albus took off the paper off and smiled at the book ‘famous witches and wizards’


“Hominine” muttered Ron.

“I like it” smiled Albus.

Ron rolled his eyes and chuckled.

“this ones for you to” said Scorpius holding a smaller box. Albus took it from him and began to tear away the wrapping paper. He opened a the box and took out a small pendent witch had the Slytherin crest on the front.

“open it” grinned Scorpius.

Albus opened up the pendent and smiled. Inside was a moving picture of him and Scorpius in the Slytherin dorm laughing and hitting each other with pillows. “my dad said I should put a picture of me and my girl friend in it and give it to her but you’re my boyfriend so I decided to put a picture of us in It….I have one to” he said going redder and redder as he explained.

“I love it Scor” smiled Albus putting it around his neck.

The rest of the day was amazing. As normal, Christmas dinner was amazing. Much better then school food. After that, the whole family sat around the fire and told stories about when their parents wear at Hogwarts. Albus smiled, sitting with Scorpius as his uncle Ron talked about the time they opened the chamber of secrets. “of course Lockhart lost his memory the twat-”

“Ron!” hissed Hominine.

Ron rolled his eyes making Hugo and Lilly giggle and continued. “We had to stay with him but Harry managed to get into the chamber”

“your mother was nearly dead and Voldamort was over her only as his younger self” said Harry coming over to sit with his wife. “As Tom Riddle?” asked Albus

“yes that’s right”

“one moment that I’ve always loved is when you punched Malfoy in the face” Ron grinned at his wife.

“Ron!” she hissed again.

“come to think about it, he never did thank us for saving his sorry behind in the fire, we should of let him burn.”

“Ron would you be quiet!” hissed Ginny motioning Scorpius who sat with Albus.

Ron’s whole face went bright red.

“My farther dose appreciate what you did for him, he never stops talking about it really. He was very happy when I sent him an owl that Mr Potter had got the defence against the dark arts teacher. In fact he wrote back saying how he hopes you last longer then 1 year.”

“oh well….tell your farther thank you” said Harry.

“I will, in fact I need to send a letter to him right now, excuse me” he got up and walked upstairs. Albus watched him go then looked up at his family “what?”

“so are you and Malfoy together?” asked Uncle Ron

“um yeah” said Albus.

Ron sighed and shook his head “at least its not Rosie”


Hey guys, do you think you could check out my new story Destiny? it would mean a lot to me!

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