Chapter 6

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“see you when I get back Scorp” said Albus.

“write to me right?”

“of course!” he grinned.

They said their goodbyes then Albus got onto the train and waved goodbye to Scorpios.

Once on the train, Albus walked over to Rose and James’s compartment and sat down with them. “good job catching the snitch Bro” grinned James.

Albus smiled “thanks”

“you wear really good but I cant wait to see what happens when Slytherin and Gryffindor play after Christmas” said Rose

Albus looked at his brother who winked and grinned.

“So, anything interesting happened to anyone?” asked Rose.

“I’m dating Millie Green” said James.

“The Goth girl?” asked Rose.

“she’s not a Goth, she just wears a lot of dark make up”

Rose rolled her eyes and Albus laughed.

“what about you Al?” she asked

“I got this” he said pulling the heart stone out of his pocket.


“how did you get that?” asked Rose

“dead troll”

“you saw a dead troll?” asked James

“no I killed a troll” replied Albus.

“yeah right” said James

“I did! You can ask Scor”

“I believe you Al” said Rose smiling “but while we are on the subject of Scorpios, when are you going to tell him you fancy him?”

Albus’s jaw dropped “what!?”

“oh come on Al, we all know you fancy him” said Rose

“I don’t! he’s my best friend”

“yeah yeah” grinned James rolling his eyes.

Albus frowned. How could they think that he liked his best friend in that way?

Did he like his best friend in that way? No! no he didn’t. He wouldn’t let James and Rose get to him like that. Frowning he turned away from them and ate a chocolate frog.

When they got off the train, all of their family wear their waiting for them. His mother, Lilly, Ron, Hominine, Hugo, grandma Weasley and grandpa Weasley, George, Bill and Flo. Rose ran to her parents and brother and hugged them all while James walked over to their mother and gave her a hug. Albus lingered on the train for a while longer until his farther put a hand on his shoulder. Albus looked up at his farther who gave him a smile. “come on son.” His arm around Albus, together they walked off the train. His mother looked up and went to Albus hugging him tightly and kissing his cheek before kissing her husband.

“miss us?” asked Harry.

“nope, me and Lilly enjoyed having the house to ourselves didn’t we Lilly” grinned my mother.

Lilly giggled and nodded hugging Albus before being lifted up by her farther.

“come on then, back to the Burrow and ill get some nice warm food down you” said grandma Weasley. Together, the Weasley family (and the potters) walked off the platform and they went back to the Burrow.

Before the battle of Hogwarts 19 years ago, the family had been very poor but now it was a different story. The house still looked the same on the outside and inside but their wear more rooms and bigger spaces. They would never have to worry about going hungry again or having to use second hand robes. They wear even richer then the Malfoy’s but they didn’t flash their money around like Draco Malfoy.

In the bedroom he had when he stayed at the Burrow, Albus stroked Hedwig’s feathers and she nibbled on his fingers with her beak. Albus smiled and finished the letter to Scorpius.

Dear Scor

How are you? Has anyone else stayed with back with you?

I’ve just gotten to the Burrow and James and Rose are already teasing me.

I miss you, Ill send your present with my next letter

From Albus

Albus gave the letter to Hedwig and she took off into the night as his mother called him down for dinner. Albus walked down and sat down next to his mother and farther. Albus piled chicken and vegetables onto his plate and began to eat a chicken leg. “so Al, write to Scorpius yet?” James.


“wondering” smirked James.

Albus frowned and ate his chicken leg.

“Albus, do you like Scorpios as a friend or as a friend friend!”

Albus frowned “just as a friend James!”

“are you sure?” asked James


“James stop it!” warned their mother Ginny.

“I’m only telling the truth, Albus loves Scorpius”

“I do not!” shouted Albus standing up.

“Albus has a girlfriend?” asked Lilly innocently.

“no a BOYFRIEND!” said James who was clearing enjoying it.

Albus began to go red as James and the others taunted him. “Albus and Scorpio sitting on a broom K.I.S.S.I.N.G.!” they sung.

“Fine! FINE! I fancy Scorpius, happy!”

The table fell quiet and Albus ran upstairs, slamming his bedroom door shut behind him.

When the door opened to his room, it was 11pm. His farther came in, followed by his mother. Albus laid on his side, stroking Hedwig with his fingers. “Albus” came his farther.

Albus didn’t reply.

His mother sat on the bed and stroked his hair with her hand. “you have nothing to be ashamed off Albus”

“yes I do” he muttered

“of course not son” said Harry. “you know me and your mother love you no matter what.”

“what do you mean by that” demanded Albus.

“your farther means, we’ll love you even if you fancy Scorpius”

Albus sighed sadly.

“anyway son…..I kind of suspected you wear gay..”

“what!” hissed Albus.

“it’s just the way you looked at him in my lessons son”

Albus frowned and sighed laying back down.

“do you need anything Albus?” asked his mother.

“no….just sleep”

“alright “ she kissed him, then Harry did the same and together they left leaving Albus alone.


This Chapter was a little hard to do cuz its a delecat issue

tell me what you think

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