Chapter 5

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“Albus, clam down”

“I cant!”

“yes you can!”

“Scorp I cant! I haven’t got a broom, I’ll make a fool of my self out their!”

“no you wont and don’t worry about the broom, you’re the fastest person I’ve seen on a school broom.”

Albus put his head on the dinning room table and sighed.

Scorpius rubbed his back with his hand.

Their was the screech of owls. Albus looked up as the post arrived. Other students began to open letters from loved ones. “incoming!” said Scorp.

Albus looked up as his mothers owl dropped a package on the table. “it’s a broom!” grinned Albus.

“lets open!”

Together, Albus and Scorpius opened the broom and they stared.

“is that….is that….is that the Firebolt?”

Albus nodded picking up his fathers broom “yeah….it’s the Firebolt.”

Scorpius’s eyes rolled to the back of his head and he fainted. “Scorp?” asked Albus looking at his friend.

“oh dear” said Oscar trying not to laugh.

Albus shook him and Scorp lifted his head. “I cant believe it!”

Albus grinned and smiled as Scorpius sat back down in his place.

“this is it guys” said Eliza. Albus was with the team, ready to go out a practice.

“wear sure to win” said Jasper Fan, keeper of the team. “now that Albus has the Firebolt”

The rest of the team agreed ginning at Albus.

“lets just keep focused, we need to score points as well” said Eliza.

“don’t worry, we will”

She grinned and the doors opened. Albus mounted his broom and followed the others out into the stadium. The whole school was their, cheering. Albus saw his brother standing with the Grifindor’s and his farther with the teachers grinning at him.

 Rose and Scorp wear standing together cheering, waving the Slytherin flag. Albus smiled getting into his position and waited till all the balls wear released. Krum walked out onto the pitch as the Huffelpuff commentator talked “welcome to the first Quidditch match of the season, this match is against Ravenclaw and Slytherin”

The crowed cheered

“Krum is on the pitch and he releases the bludgers, followed by the golden snitch, remember the snitch is worth 150 points…….Krum throws up the Qroffol and the game beings!”

Their was mass movement on the pitch as they played. Albus looked around for the snitch but couldn’t see it at the moment. “Eliza passes to Jasper and Jasper to Queeny and SCORE! 10 points to Slytherin”

The Slytherin cheered and so did Albus holding onto his broom with the other hand. Albus suddenly spotted a small golden ball fluttering towards the crowd. Albus zoomed after it swerving around other players. He saw the Ravenclaw seeker behind him so Albus carried on following the snitch.

“ANOTHER 10 POINTS TO SLYTHRIN!” shouted the commentator “oh and look at the seeker! Yes folks that’s Albus Potter, second son of our wonderful Professor, the boy who lives Harry Potter! Yes! that’s right, Albus Potter is Slytherin seeker just like his farther and brother who is also a seeker for Gryffindor! I cant wait for that match folks, what a match that will be! OH, 10 POINTS TO RAVENCLAW!!

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