Chapter 9

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A week later, Albus and the others wear back at Hogwarts. He was slightly nervous to come out to the others and announce that he and Scorpius wear dating. Albus sat in the Slytherin common room with Scorpius, doing some last minuet Herboligy homework. Oscar and Jack came into the common room and sat down “hey guys”

“hey” smiled Scorpius.

“hi” said Albus.

“how was Christmas?” asked Jack

“Eventful” grinned Scor

Albus blushed slightly.

“what happened?” asked Oscar

“well, I was going to spend Christmas alone hear but then I got a letter from James to ask me to come to the Potters house for Christmas. I went and…..”

“and?” asked Jack

“and now me and Albus are dating!”

“what!” hissed Jack after a moment of silence.

“wear dating as in wear gay”

Oscar grinned “I knew it!”

“huh?” asked Albus

“I knew the two of you wear gay, you both blush when the other one sits near you, Albus, your shy and feminine and Scor your always protective of him I mean it looked like you wanted to kill that Ravenclaw at the Quidditch match!”

“oh” said Albus.

“don’t worry, we don’t care” smiled Jack.

“well….thanks” mumbled Albus

“just don’t snog in font of us” grinned Oscar

Some how, news had spread that Albus and Scorpius wear going out. In under an hour most of the girls in his year wear following him around cooing and giggling. The thing was, Albus was liking it. Of course he would only smile, nod and say as few things as possible but he actually had….friends. Albus walked with Sophie Leed, Amy Blink and Kat Eva who wear in his year, down to the dungeons to the potions lab. Professor Slug horn was waiting for them all “ahh Mr Potter, Miss Leed, Miss Blink and Miss Eva your ten minuets late.”

Albus looked at the clock and sure enough they wear 10 minuets late

“sorry sir, Albus forgot his books and we had to go back for them” said Amy.

“it took all of you to go back and get Mr Potters books?”

“err yes sir” said Kat.

“5 points taken from Slytherin each.”

The Slytherin’s groaned as the four of them sat down.

Albus sat next to Scorpius and put his head on the table

“don’t worry Al” he whispered linking his hand with Al’s.

“everyone’s going to hate me now” he sighed.

“no their not and besides I don’t hate you”

Albus smiled slightly then listened to Slughorn.

An hour later, Albus, Scorpios and the girls wear rushing to their next class, Defence against the dark arts. They walked into the class room with the other first years to find that all of the desks and chairs had been pushed back against the wall. Harry stood at the front his wand in his hand “come on in, down to the front please”

The class slowly moved down to the front and looked up at Harry.

“today, your going to show me what you know, any spell, apart from the unforgivable curses, and in any order”

“um will we be facing each other?” asked Rose Weasley

“no, you will be facing me, now who wants to go first.”

Everyone took a step back apart from Albus who didn’t notice.

“well Albus…..draw your wand then” smiled his farther.

Albus looked quickly behind him “I-I!” he began to say.

“go on Al!” whispered Rose.

Albus looked at his farther who had his wand out and went pale.

Albus walked over to the centre of the floor and withdrew his wand.

“now, any spell you want Albus, we will do this as in a proper duel so walk to your partner, bow, turn back and walk 10 spaces and wait till the count of three then you can attack….got it?”

Albus nodded.


Albus walked up to his farther and bowed. Then he turned away from him and walked 10 paces towards his class mates. Scorpius and the girls looked at him and whispered “good luck.”

Albus let out a smile then tensed as his farther shouted “One!”

Albus took a deep death


Albus got ready to spin


Immobulus!” shouted Albus.

His farther couldn’t take a step forwards.

“Expelliarmus” shouted Harry

“Protego!” shouted Albus.

The spell backfired and Harry’s wand shot out of his hand

“Stupefy!” Albus shouted before he realised what he was doing.

The spell hit his farther, causing him to fly back and hit the wall.

Albus froze when his farther didn’t get up “Professor…?”


“Professor Potter?” asked Albus a little more desperately.

Still nothing.



hears chapter 9, hope you enjoy! check out my own story Destiny!! dont forget to vote and comment!




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