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Two weeks flew in a blink of an eye and before I knew it. It was the day to leave for California with Mr Scott. I sat in my car with my mom and starred at the trees. A lot of thoughts were going through my mind. Will I fit in? Will I make friends? Will I succeed ? Would I be able to prove myself to my parents?

"Sweetheart we have a surprise for you", mother said interrupting my thoughts and bringing me back to reality.

"Surprise",I asked in a suspicious tone. "Yes surprise", mother replied laughing "and don't worry it's nothing bad now come on lets go."

I looked outside to see that we were at the airport.I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even realize it. I got out of the car and saw my one and only best friend Jo.

"Jo",I shouted and ran to hug him.He laughed and hugged me back.

" Whoa Mia I went to Paris for a few weeks and when I come back I hear that Amelia Anderson the daughter of John and Elise Anderson , the heiress and my best friend is going to California. How did u manage that, I mean your parents don't let you get out of the house without Robert (name of her bodyguard).

I looked at Jo grinning. Jo was pretty handsome with those baby blue , brown hair which now had purple and orange streaks and a well build body . One look at him an any girl would be at his feet  and Jo that cocky arse knows it. Jo and I were together in that orphanage , we were  one of those who were adopted. When dad adopted me I was in pretty bad shape. Nothing was helping, not the therapist, not the pills nothing . Mother and father somehow got hold of Jo who was my only friend beside him(he is the guy with brilliant green mentioned in chapter 3 ). He helped me fight my demons and keep them at bay. Jo is the only person in my life who knows about my horrible past.

"I know I am still shocked I mean sure I did blackmail them emotionally and said a few not so polite things but I have done that before and it never worked."I said incredulously. Then I looked at his hair again , laughed and said "Enough about me, what's wrong with your hair ?"

"Don't ask" Jo groaned. '' I met this really crazy hot chick who worked in this men salon in Paris and  I really needed to get laid so when she offered to give me a new hairstyle for free I agreed. So I went with her to this very fancy salon were this happened", he said gesturing towards his hair with a gloomy expression." But on the bright side" he said suddenly smirking," at least I got laid" . I started laughing and punched his arm. "Too much information Jo too much information."

As Jo and I were talking Mr Scott and father came to us. "Hello Mia", he said. "Hi Mr Scott, this is my best friend Jonathan" I said gesturing towards Jo. "Hello Jonathan and please call me Max". Mr Scott said extending his hand ."Hi Max', Jo replied smiling and shaking his hand.

"Come on Mia you are gonna miss your flight, get your bags ", I looked at my dad, smiled and hugged him.'' I am gonna miss you dad", I said. " I am gonna miss you too pumpkin" dad replied kissing my forehead .

I looked at mom and hugged her too "Take care of your self Mia", mom said  with tears in her eyes and kissed my cheeks.

Next I looked at Jo who gave me a small smile and he gestured me to come towards him. "Jo?" I questioned. He took a box out of his pocket and gave it to me.I looked at him confused. "Open it", he said .I opened the box and found a beautiful platinum charm bracelet with three charms on it. The first one was of two paint brushes ,the second one was a heart with j+m written on it and a third one had an infinity sign.

I looked at Jo to find him staring at me."I know you are afraid Mia,I know there are a lot of things running through your mind. We have been friends for long time. We have done everything together. You have always been there for me and I for you and this is my way of telling you that I will always be there for you , even if your going to California'. I hugged Jo, "Thank you", I murmured." Take care of yourself Mia."

"Mia", Max called. I smiled at Jo kissed his cheeck and went inside.

I looked at my bracelet which was now secure around my wrist. I got what I always wanted. I can live my life, I can discover new things , I can discover myself. This is my opportunity to prove myself to my parents and I was determined to use this opportunity wisely. This is the start of a new chapter and I have a feeling that everything would work out fine.

Picture of Jo

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