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The first thing I thought of as I walked out of the car is the heat of California . Damn it was hot here. Wiping the sweat off of my forehead with a tissue I looked at my surroundings . It was a pretty neighborhood. Aunt Mel's house was pretty big but of course smaller than mine. I walked inside ,the house looked pretty well furnished . I was so busy admiring the house that I didn't notice Claire who was now standing beside me.

''Pretty impressive huh?'' she asked gesturing towards the house. ''Mom is a part time interior designer hence this.'' she said smiling.  ''Come on I 'll show you to your room you can unpack your stuff and settle down.''

 Claire led me to my room which was right beside hers . My temporary room like the rest of the house was well furnished . It had wooden flooring and a king sized bed which looked pretty darn comfortable, a walk in closet and a study table . The room itself screamed comfort.

''Nice.''  I said walking in with my luggage. Claire's cell phone started ringing she gave me an apologetic smile and went out of the room to receive the call.

I unpacked my suitcases and arranged my stuff in the closet . Next I placed a picture of me and Jo on the bedside table . As I was pushing my football under the bed Claire came in.

''Hi Mia?'' she said eyeing my football.'' You play soccer ?'' When I nodded she laughed and said,''I have a feeling you and dad are going to get along just fine. Anyway I came here to tell you  that I was going to the mall with some of my Friends come along I will introduce you to them, they go to Venus high as well''.

''Coming let me change first this bloody dress is annoying the hell out of me.'' I said . The beach can wait.

I sat in Claire's Volvo and traced the bracelet on my wrist . This bracelet was a part of my past it gave me strength , it reminded me of my roots and how strong I am,  how far I have come . The bracelet itself was pretty simple , worn out and old but to me it was a prized possession. A special friend of mine made it for me he was in the orphanage with me and Jo. Just thinking about him made my heart constrict painfully. Ed and I met when we were 10 . He was my friend, my family, my escape.

''Earth to Mia ", Claire said waving her hand in front of my face. "What? " I asked.  "You have been staring at that bracelet for a whole to minutes.  "Sorry ", I said smiling. "It's fine just get out of the car we have to do some shopping for the party tonight." 

"Wait what shopping what party?" I asked confused.

"If you heard what I was saying in the first place you would not be asking me. " I smiled sheepishly at her. "There is a party tonight at the house or should I say mansion of the hottest guy in school we have to go their and you will get to meet a few people,  maybe even get lucky. " She said wiggling her eyebrows . I  rolled my eyes and gave her a little shove.

"Come on Mia,  Daph and Ashley are waiting for us in my favorite store. " "Uggghhh. " I groaned. "I hate shopping". 

"Stop complaining Mia. " Claire said rolling her eyes and dragging me to that bloody store. As we entered the store I saw two brown heads standing there .

"Hey Daph , Ashley. " Claire said walking towards them. "This is my cousin Amelia from England." She gestured towards me. 

"Please call me Mia. " I said smiling.  "Mia this is Deph. " Claire said pointing towards the cute girl, " and this is Ashley. " she said gesturing towards the tall brown head .

"Hi Mia Claire told us all about you. " Daph said grinning. " I have a feeling we'll become great friends." I smiled at her. "Come on girls, " Ashley said.  "We dont have time we have to find the perfect dress."

I went towards the corner of the store were there were knee length dresses . I got frustrated after five minutes of looking through the rack. All these dresses showed too much skin for my liking. I was about to turn around when a dress caught my eye.  It was a black knee length mesh panel skater dress . "Claire" I  called out.   "I think I found the dress I am gonna try it out.''

Without waiting for her reply I went to try the dress out. The dress looked perfect it hugged my curves and brought my eyes out . I went out smoothing the dress to show it to the girls. I heard a loud gasp I looked up to see all the girls looking at me with their mouths open .

" Mia you lucky bitch you look so beautiful and you found the perfect dress in such a short time.'' laughing I went to the counter to pay for the dress.

"Please take a break . " I said panting.  "I cant walk anymore. Its been two hours and the girls still haven't found the perfect dress . 

"Guys I am going to the cafeteria I cant take it anymore . Give me a call when your done ." They all nodded in agreement. I bought subway and decided to go to the park I saw on the opposite side of the road earlier. I pulled my hoody on my head and went towards the park.

Picture of Ashley and Daph

Hey readers this is my very first story . I know there might be a few mistakes here and there.  Please help me outcomment and feel free to give me your suggestions and please vote :*

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