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Xavier I thought. I was about to apologize when he suddenly let me go.

  "You should watch where your going. No need to throw yourself at people". He said looking at me with an annoyed expression on his face. "Oye bloody hell what do you think of yourself. You were the one who was clearly not looking. No need to blame me for anything arsehole. Instead of an apology I get attitude. " I replied angrily. 

A shocked looked crossed his face but he covered it up immediately with a hard look and shoved passed me.Little bitch I thought and made my way towards the dance floor looking for Claire. Where the bloody hell did she go I thought frustrated. Suddenly I saw her making her way towards me .

 "MMMIIIAAAAAA!" she screamed. "Are you having funnnnn? Did you find any hot guys? I saw you with Mr. dark, handsome and broody. Did you hook up with him?"

 "Claire Claire slow down." I said looking at her incredulously." Dont tell me you are already drunk? What the hell were you thinking?"

 "Oh Mia loos-" suddenly she was interrupted by the DJ screaming in the mic. "What is going on?" I asked "Oh nothing." she said giggling." Its karaoke time ,they randomly choose someone from the crowd to sing and by that I mean Daniel the host and his best friend Xavier."

" Why"? I asked"." I dont  know". she replied. "May be because they find amusement in other people's embarrassment". I shook my head and looked towards the crowd.

 "So guys any volunteers and should we just pick one of you?" said the guy who was trying to hit on me .What the hell he is the host I thought looking at the douche. Suddenly someone started screaming SHE WILL!SHE WILL! I looked around to see who was screaming and to my utmost horror it was Claire who was pointing at me. I looked up to see Xavier and Daniel smirking at me. I could see mischief flashing through their eyes. 

"Aahh the sexy lady in black please do the honors. We promise not to laugh at you." He said smirking. I glared at Claire who just said oops and started giggling uncontrollably . I looked  in Xavier's eyes and smirked . He doesn't know what's going to hit him .

I made my way towards the the DJ, told him the song and took the mic from the two bitches. The boys left my side and joined the crowd looking at me with folded arms and smirk on their faces talking quietly to each other. I nodded towards the DJ and instrumental of pretty girl by Maggie Lindemann started playing.

I stared sing enjoying the shocked look on Daniel and  Xavier's face .

  I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys  

I continued making my way towards them. Daniel still had a shocked looked on his face while Xavier looked ... confused? Weird I thought.

  And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'cause I'm not just a pretty girl  

I sang showing Xavier my middle finger, shaking by hips with the beat and dancing around him all the while looking in his eyes.

  I'm more than just a picture
I'm a daughter and a sister
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than just a rumor
Or a song on your computer
There's more to me than people know

Some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch
Some days I'm strong, some days I quit
I don't let it show, but I've been through some shit  

 I suddenly shifted towards Daniel and continued singing.

I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'cause I'm not just a pretty girl  

 I pinched his cheeks hard and tugging his hair. I put my hands on his chest and looked into his eyes as I finished the song giving the impression that I was about to kiss him. I moved my lips towards his ear and said "Dont underestimate me and if you pull a stunt like this again you wont like what will happen. With that I grabbed Claire's hand and made my ways towards the door . I could hear the applause and wolf whistles but most importantly I could feel his intense green eyes staring after me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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