The Beginning

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***the next day***

The next morning I went to look for apartments. I can't wait to get in a steaming hot bath and soak in it.

I was walking until I saw a banner and read wat it said:

2 room and 1 bath apartments open
Call 407-281-7696 for more information

I went to the nearest store and bought a pair of dark blue fitted jeans and a long sleeve black crop top along with black flats
After I got some change I went to a payphone and called the number. I woman picked up.

"Hello" she said

"Hi I'm interested in your 2bedroom and 1bath apartments" I said

"Um if you like I can be over there asap" she said excitingly

"Yes I would love dat" I said trying not to sound to happy

"OK well I will see you there miss..." She trailed off

"Umm call me Kay" I said

"OK well I will see you there Kay" she hung up

I walked back to the apartments and waited for about ten minutes and she came in a black benz

"Hi you must be Jay" she said while getting.out of the car

"Yes and you must be miss Shelia" I got up and dusted my pants off

"Well let's get this started" she said leading me up the steps "this is the first one"

She unlocked the door and walked in. "Okay this is a one bedroom and bath" she said

"Okay its just me any way" I said

***5 apartments later***
"Do you like any of them" she said

"Um yes I actually like the first one" we headed to the first one "how much is a down payment"

"Well I see you like to get down to it but the down payment is $300 because it is already furnished and you don't have to pay the first months rent" she said

"Okay I have $300" I said pulling out my money

I gave her the money and we exchanged a few more words and she left.

Shortly after I left and went to get me something to eat for the night. When I got to the comer store and I ran into the devil himself...

Take a guess who the devil is...
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~Queen Victoria

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