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"What made you get out of the game" Jay asked

She caught me off guard with that but I guess she just as curious bout my past as I am the rest of hers "um, I don't feel comfortable talking about that"

"Oh I completely understand" she said staring off into space

I started tickling her and she couldn't resist the laugh that was bound to come out. "STOP!! HA-HA" she couldn't stop laughing

"Say please"


I stopped and she was about to cry laughing so hard.

I couldn't help but smile at how beautiful Ja'Kaylon is.

"Here" I said about to feed Jay a strawberry

She bit it slowly and looked at me from the side of her eyes. She looked so sexy doing dat. I wish I was ha man, but I'm determined to be just dat eventually.

"The stars look beautiful" she said with a shine in her eyes

"Yea" I just stared at her intently as she was amazed by the stars. "I see you like star gazing"

"The night sky is just so beautiful with all the stars"

She is so beautiful, beyond words. I could imagine a future with her even tho it is quite early.


I could see Cardea starring a whole in my face "can I have my face back" I said with a laugh

He laughed "I'm sorry, I was just admiring your beauty"

I was turning all types of red. "Thanks"

I think I like him. A lot. He is a cool person and he makes me feel better.

"Can I ask you a question" Cardea said

*what's the question

I still need some questions for my Q&A...please give me something to work with

~Queen Victoria

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