"umm sure hes ok" and a lot of blushing

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I ignore Zayn and turn to Doniya who is on my right and say "Hi Doniya." she looks at me and says "Hi Zainab." then nudges Waliyha who is on her side. Waliyha looks up alarmed and I laugh as Doniya gestures towards me with her chin and waliyha says "Hi Zainab." still giggling, I manage to get out a quick "Hi." and waliyha pouts which causes me to laugh more. My mum gives me a look and I try to stop, but the laughs just keep coming out!! Ermahgawd this is embarrassing!! 10 minutes later the laughter stops and waliyha glares at me. Everyone had continued their conversations as they realized my laughter wasn't stopping anytime soon, except for Zayn. Now he looked at me curiously and said "So what was so funny?" I blushed and quickly shook my head. Doniya pulled my arm so that I turned around and said "So what do you want to do?" I smile at her and say "I want to be a Teacher, but not little kids." I say and she smiles at me. "Really?" she asks looking surprises and I nod. "Why is that such a surprise?" I ask. "Because that's what Zayn wants to do... Be a high school teacher!!" "really?" now it's my turn to be shocked. I quickly glance over my shoulder to Zayn who is chatting with my mum, when he glances at me and winks. I quickly blush and turn back to Doniya. she laughs lightly and then asks "So... Your an only child?" I shake my head and she looks at me confused. "Well my sister Ziana, is only 12 and she went on a field trip with her school, and she's coming back tomorrow!" Doinya nods in understanding and I smile at her. Mrs.mal- Trish looks at us and says "Can I join you girls?" then gestures at my mum and Zayn who look to be in a deep conversation. I giggle and nod, as Doniya says "Well we we were just interrogating Zainab!" Trish laughs and nods "Now that I can do! So Zainab, do you like Zayn? I mean would you like to get to know him better?" I blush a deep scarlet and say "Yeah sure, I suppose he seems like a great guy!" I turn around to see Zayn staring at me with a smirk on his face. "Oh! Look at the time!!" Trish says "We should get going!" my mum jumps up "No no don't go!! Stay for a bit!" "oh no we have to go!" and they have the whole stay, no go conversation that every desi kid has heard a million times before. Doniya looks at me and I roll my eyes. I hear my mum say "Ok well then Khudahafiz."

A/n I didn't mean to offend anyone by using Khudahafiz, thats just what came naturally to me so... Ok that's it. Quote of the day: why fit in when you were born to stand out?

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