Off to California (sighs)

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That's Nina Dobrev as Amy at the side ------------------->


Amy's POV

To start off with, my parents were sending me off to California. Why, you ask. Because they wanted me to be freaking social... I mean I'm a straight A student and they should be satisfied with that but no! They have to pick up some fault out of me. Boy, I am so mad at them!

I got off the plane with a sigh and looked around for my aunt. I heard a squeal from behind me and a pair of arms pulled me into a hug. My eyes widened and my first instinct was too show the person how exactly the ground tasted but then it was my aunt, who then took me to her house in her Mercedes. When we got off, I stared at the house in wonder. It was almost as big as a mansion! I was dragged inside without much thought.

"You wait here," she said smiling warmly at me. "I'll go call your cousins."

I nodded at her as she ran up the stairs. I sighed. I hope my cousins wouldn't be like the bratty kind. 'Cause trust me, I'm not as quiet as I seem...I think.

"Here she is," I heard my aunt whisper behind me and turned around. Along with her were two girls and one boy. The girls looked like the girly kind but they had a kind smile. The first girl was tall and had dark brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She was really pretty. The second girl was shorter. She looked younger than her siblings. Like her sister she had dark brown hair, but it was a lot darker that you could almost mistake it for black. What attracted me the most was her childlike innocence. She was really cute. The boy...oh God, the boy. He was the most attractive person I have ever seen. His dirty blonde hair was messy and it was such a turn on. He had striking brown eyes. He looked really muscular and had muscles. Not the gross kind.

The tall girl stepped forward and held out her hand. "Hey! My name is Tasha and this girl right here is my sister, Laura and that is my brother Ian." I gave them polite smiles which they returned except Ian. He just stood there, unfazed.

"Gosh! You are so pretty! I love your sense of style. I wish I was like you. I repeat: you are pretty!" babbled Laura.

I chuckled "You have no idea how pretty you are. Thank you! My name is Amy, by the way," I said shaking Laura and Tasha hand. I turned towards Ian. He just muttered a 'hello' and exited the room,

Talk about weird.

Laura and Tasha showed me around the house and then finally my room. It was painted turquoise, my favoritecolor. The girls left me to my own so that I could change and relax. After taking a hot shower, I plopped down on my bed and willed myself to not think about how exactly my life would change.

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