First Day

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That's Matt Lanter as Jared -------------->


To wake up from my beauty sleep by my cousin was not a good idea. My eyes flew open and I narrowed my eyes at her "Do you want to die?" 

Tasha rolled her eyes “Stop talking around and get your butt downstairs. Or else we're going to be late for school!" 

"I'll be ready in a minute." 

Tasha nodded and squealed excitedly " Let me pick up your outfit!" With that she looked through my clothes picking up a low-cut purple T-shirt which was neither too slutty nor too simple. I took a cold shower to get rid of my sleepiness. I quickly slipped on my clothes and gobbled up some cereal. I got into the car with the girls and fidgeted nervously. I was always the shy type of girl and going to a new school made me a lot nervous. 

It was like a movie when we reached school as soon as we stepped out, everyone looked our way and started whispering. Laura was the head cheerleader and so it was quite obvious that she was popular. She introduced me as her cousin. I got suggestive glances and winks from the boys while their girlfriends glared at me. I gulped and tried to wave them off with a smirk. Hopefully, it worked. 

I made my way to the office to get my schedule. As I sat, waiting for the principal another boy strolled in and sat down beside me. He started whistling to some tune and I took this time to check him out. I wouldn't deny it. He was extremely handsome. What is it with boys?  

He turned at me and smiled “Hey. You new here?”

“Yup. I’m waiting for the principal,” I said smiling back at him.

"My name is Jared, by the way. What’s yours?" 

This boy was definitely something. I was extremely shy but I kept my cool. I didn’t need to spoil someone’s first impression about me. "My name is Amy." 

Smirking at me, he leaned closer and whispered "You are pretty you know that? Want to go out with me sometime?" He was extremely close and I could feel him breathe down on my neck. Before I could stutter out a response, the principal entered. Jared leaned back and winked at me. I glared at him and then looked at the principal who handed out our schedules. Seeing that his and my schedule were same, I groaned inwardly. This was going to be a long year. 

After exiting the office I made way to class with him following me. As soon as I opened the door sighs of girls could be heard when they saw the idiot. The teacher asked us to introduce ourselves. Before I could speak, Jared butted in "Hey class, my name is Jared. I'm from Los Angeles. I'm extremely handsome as you can see; also I want to bed all girls before the year is over. And you get the point." After this speech he sat down winking and smirking at me. Even the teacher blushed at this speech while I only rolled my eyes. It was obvious that he was a player. I only glared at him before and said "My name is Amy and I’m from Canada." With that, I looked around to see if any seat was empty, unfortunately only one was and that was beside Jared. I disgustedly sat down trying to pay attention in class but he kept distracting me by poking me. In the end I turned to him practically and told him to stop but he only smirked before saying "I knew you were a goody two shoes as soon as I saw you." 

  "And I knew you were a player as soon as I saw you." 

"Yeah and I'm proud of it. Got a problem with that or wait…are you jealous?" he said looking amused.

I gave out an unladylike snort and said "In your dreams." 

 "No worries. You’ll be the one begging me soon enough..." 

I just snorted and left the room as class was over. Soon, I was surrounded by girls threatening me to keep away from him. I rolled my eyes and shouted the fact that I don't even like him and they can keep him if they like. As soon as I said that, everyone started acting very friendly. I rolled my eyes (which I have a habit of doing a lot) and left for my classes. After that I searched for Tasha and Laura for lunch. They were nowhere to be found. Suddenly Ian came from behind and told me that they went for their cheer leading practices and offered me to come with him. I willingly agreed and followed him to his friends. 

As soon as we neared the group, whistles broke out and boys started shouting "Hey this your new girlfriend?" My, she sure is a keeper isn't she?”

 Instead of feeling angry, I started laughing and people, that’s what got their attention. And through my giggles i managed to choke out that I wasn't his girlfriend. Another round of whistles came and all boys began to ask me out. Feeling surprisingly confident I just smirked and said "You guys really aren't my type, plus you all have girlfriends who currently are glaring at me so stuff it!" All of them started laughing. I smirked and sat down. Somehow I noticed the disappointed look on Ian's face when I said I wasn't his girlfriend but I shrugged it off. Lunch was enjoyable I with them. Anyways I made some new friends in my other classes; Ashley and Haven, who were really fun to be around. Finally school ended and my cousins and I went back home where I was asked lots of questions if I liked school, if there was anyone troubling me, if…well, you get the point. 

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