First date? Huh you gotta be kidding me...

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Anyways, so that's how I found myself sitting in TGIF and waiting for Ian who hasn't arrived in 20 minutes! I seriously was getting pissed off and somehow feeling like a loser sitting alone like that.

“Hey! What’s little Amy doing alone out here in the real world? Waiting for her loser of a boyfriend?! Aw but I'm sorry to inform you that he wouldn't be able to make it here.”

Startled out of my thinking by I turned around to face the ever annoying person who annoys the crap out of me. The ever present Jared Freaking Parker. “And how do you know that?” I asked.

“Well. He has his practice today at school so its kind of obvious,” he said dragging the sentence infuriating me.

“And why are you telling me this? It’s not like I believe you,” I said.

 He glared at me before smirking and saying “Ah of course you won't, I don't know why I bother. It’s your loss. Wait for your pathetic boyfriend all day if you want” with that he just stalked away. I gaped at his back but got distracted when my phone started ringing, it was Ian telling me that he couldn't make it. I told him it was no problem but inside I was boiling. I got up and left the place.


I seriously was not gonna bother anymore. She was getting on my nerves. I went back to the practice and then all of a sudden I froze. Locked in a Blondie’s embrace was Amy’s pathetic little boyfriend snogging. And it wasn't like he was pushing her away. Not at all! He was kissing her back! I stalked up to him and pulled him off her by the collar and shook him.

“Don't you have a girlfriend, pathetic?!” I said angrily.

“What? Huh? What are you talking about?” he asked.

“I said, fucking hell don't you have a girlfriend?!”

 Getting out of his daze he said “Yeah so? I have one. It’s not like she is here.”

She is your bloody cousin and girlfriend and you ditched her on your first date to snog this...” I said barely suppressing my anger.

“What's your problem? Why should you care? She is my girlfriend and I can do whatever I like,” he glared.

I glared back at him and left. He had a point though. Why do I care...?


So there it is finally... I updated! I know what most of you who read this must be thinking its cliche and stuff....well I don't know it maybe or it maybe not but do give it a try and tell me what you think! Anyways you know the drill;





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