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My mind flooded with thoughts of Drew. Every poisonous moment, every kiss we shared, every time our hands touched. He hurt me physically and mentally but yet I still love him. I don't know I long for the feeling of his body pressed against mine but I do. I haven't thought about him since that day, so why now? Why when I'm getting involved with another? Why when I'm finally moving on?

We dated for over a year when it began getting violent. He had been talking to this girl who obviously felt affectionately toward him. I spoke to him, feeling the jealousy take over me. That was the first time his fist hit my cheek. After that day it got worse and worse until I couldn't take it anymore and ran away from him. He wouldn't stop calling and texting me, even getting to point of stalking. He says he loves me and cares about me, but hurt me emotionally and physically. I can't believe it when I'm told someone loves me, although that wouldn't happen. Jackson is already over me anyway.

The second that thought crossed my mind my phone went off. It was a text from an unknown number reading "I'm coming back for you"

I replied asking who it was, not wanting to see the reply, which there was none. I can only wait, it's not like whoever it was knew where I lived. Suddenly a loud bang on my front door made me jump up. I stood up when another bang resounded through the wooden house. I carefully walked down the stairs, bangs continuing. They finally stopped when I reached the door. Shaking, I reached for the handle and slowly pulled open the door. He was there. I couldn't believe what I saw. My dream was becoming a reality. Why did he come? I couldn't speak and any attempt only resulted in my lip quivering and a small shaky sound.

"Hello Katie." He spoke, a devilish smirk forming on his face. I couldn't respond. He walked forward and pushed my small body out of his way. Dropping the bouquet of flowers he held, he turned and stared deep into my eyes. He walked so close to me I could smell the mint in his breath. His large hand wrapped around my waist and pushed me toward him. He took my head in his hands, leaning down to my face. He softly put his lips on mine and held it although I had no reaction. He pulled away and stood back up. Glancing down that me, that smirk coming back again. The words that he spoke I will never forget.

"This will not be the last time, Katie. I will be back soon." And with that he left. I stood in the middle of my living room, unable to move. I knew that dream had to mean something. I don't know when he'll be back, but I hope it's not soon.

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