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"Will you be my girlfriend?"

The words rang through my mind like church bells. After all of this time of ignoring and pushing me away, he does this? After thinking about this, I decided to say yes because of the strong feelings I still had for him.

"Yes..." I answered slowly, still not completely confident with my answer. A wide, adorable smile spread across his face. He pulled me by my waist into a large hug. Of course I hugged him back, although still shaky.

"Thank you..." he whispered in my ear. Hearing that was confusing at first but I decided to not ask and just hug him. After about 45 seconds he pulled away from me and smiled. Leaning in, my first thought he was going to kiss me, which was also startling considering we started dating less than a minute ago. Instead he simply kissed my nose, smiled at me again and walked off to join his friends.

Turning around and smiling to myself, I walked off to my sixth period. I put in my headphones and turned on "mad hatter" by Melanie Martinez. After class was finally over I headed to the bus and sat in my regular seat. Once there, I thought about the events that had taken place that day. To most people, being in an intimate relationship with their crush is a dream come true. For me, It's the same way, only I wasn't sure how I felt. He had hurt me emotionally so much but yet I still had feelings. It didn't make much sense, and still doesn't, but I choose to say yes. I hope everything goes well, because I can't take another heartbreak.


Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I didn't. I love you all.

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