Chapter 3: Bill..

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Autumn got on the bus that day and popped her headphones in her ears. She thought of Devon. She didn't think he was sincere about helping her. She didn't think he would. She's been alone for so long that she didn't believe a total stranger can help her. She loved being with him though. His green eyes and brown hair, his caring and sincere tone, his beautiful voice.

She felt the seat move beside her, making her jump. 'Nobody sits beside me' she thought. She turned her head and couldn't believe who she saw. Devon was saying something but her music was too loud for her to hear.

"What?" She asked taking her headphone out of her ear.

"I knew I saw you somewhere else before, you're on my bus." He smiled sweetly.

"Oh, which stop are you?"

"The second, you?"

"The third."

"You don't live too far away from me then."

"I guess not."

The bus roared to life and slowly rolled away from the school. Autumn stare out at the small life-forms walking by the bus and to their happy and broken homes. Soon the life-forms turned into cars, then into blurrs of trees in the semi-country that she calls her 'home'. Sitting and making small talk with Devon made the bus ride so much longer then it really was.

The bus stopped in front of a trailer park, where about 15 students got off of the bus. Among these students was Tammy Galigar. Tammy always showed off her model body by wearing clothes that were too small for her and high heels that made her look like a hooker. She always put way too much make-up on and bought expensive things. When, in reality she is poor, helps her mom pay bills, is on welfare and picks on others.

Another among this crowd is Tammy's boyfriend, star football jock, Jeremy Fletcher. He makes himself look like a big shot with good grades, but he barely passes. If he wants to get into college or university then he's going to need a football, basketball, or soccer scholarship. He always ends up spending his money on expensive clothes and equipment.

Tammy and Jeremy are good for each other and they look they are really in love. Autumn always wanted a love like that, she could just never find one. She was jealous.

As the couple walked by her she stared at them holding hands and smiling like lovesick puppies. They were a cute couple, she wasn't going to lie. Devon gently squeezed her hand and smiled at her.

"You'll find that." He assured her.

"Not in 11 days."

"Well if you gave yourself more time?"

"No, I won't."

He frowned at her. "Autumn, you don't need to do that. It will not make you who you are. It wrecks you."

"It makes me feel better." She couldn't believe how he said her name, how sweetly he said it. How understanding, firm and kind his tone was.

"I know how you feel. Can you please try not to do it? For me?"

"I'll try. No promises though."

"Thank you." he looked out the window past her head. "My stop is almost up. Text me ok?"

"Yeah, sure." A light smile formed on her lips.

The bus squeeked to a stop and Devon stood up. "Goodbye beautiful Autumn."

"Goodbye." she said slowly. Nobody has ever called her beautiful before, except for her parents when they were alive. She watched as Devon crossed the street, waved at her and went into this small, blue 2 storey house. She waved back as the bus rolled on.

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