Chapter 7: Devon's Home

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Devon got home around 6:40, he decided to drive slow and think rather then go the speed limit. He was the only car on the road anyways.

"You're late." His mother said as he walked in the door.

"I know mom, sorry."

"It's fine. Where were you?"

"A friends." Devon walked into the dinning room and saw everyone sitting in their normal spots. Dad was at the end of the table with his work shirt on and his tie missing. His salt and pepper hair made him look older then he was. He just stared at Devon with intense brown eyes and stuffed a couple fries with ketchup in his mouth. His mother was sitting to the left of him with her arms crossed, wrinkling her purple work shirt. Her blonde hair was straightened and her blue eyes burned with anger. Brian was to his fathers right enjoying his meal and ignoring his parents.

"What friend?" she asked in a rude tone.

"I found a new friend and I'm helping her out with some things."

"Well, the school called. Were you with her all day? Or did you just skip by yourself?"


"No, I won't listen Devon. You have no reason to skip school with some girl."

"Yes, actually I do," He sighed. "but you won't listen."

"No, I won't. Are you guys dating?"

"No, I-"

"I don't want to hear it." She looked at him. "Sit down and eat, please."

Reluctantly, Devon sat down in front of a plate of fries and a hamburger and stuffed a fry in his mouth.

"Will you listen to me? You are just making assumptions, all of which are untrue."

"No, eat your supper."

Devon took the ketchup and his plate and got out of his seat. He walked out of the dining room.

"Where are you going?"

"Sorry mom, but if you don't want to listen then I don't want to sit and eat with you."

He walked upstairs past his parents room, past Brians room and to his at the end of the hall. He sat down on his bed and lathered ketchup on his fries. He ate slow, thinking as he ate.

When he finished he put his plate and the ketchup aside and took his shirt off. He went over to the mirror in his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He was surprised at how much his body seemed to have changed since his 'accident'. He wasn't as pale or as skronny. He built muscle and got the colour back in his skin.

Devon looked down at his upturned wrists. The scars were now paler then him, he noticed. Whenever he thought about cutting again his wrists would throb. His scars were his constant reminder that even though he could've died, he lived. He believed that Autumn was the reason he lived that day. Devon took his pants off and walked over to his closet to find a pair of pyjamas. He picked out a pair of black pyjama pants and a grey muscle shirt.

Devon took his iphone out and decided to text Autumn. 'Hey Hun.'

Autumn didn't reply right away. It took a long time.

'You there?'

'Yeah, sorry. I was fighting with Sarah.'

'About what?' He asked.

'You being here all day.'

'Oh. Sorry, I didn't mean to get you in trouble.'

'She just thinks we were doing shit.'

'So does my mom. Whenever I mention anything about a girl she automatically thinks that she'd my girlfriend.'

'To Sarah I am your girlfriend, remember?'

'Oh yeah...'

'Sorry for kissing you...'

'Don't be sorry, you were just worried something would happen to me.'

'Yeah, I guess.'

'Just don't think of it as a bad thing beautiful.'

'I'll try not to.'


'But.. I have something to tell you...'

'What is that?'

'I want to cut again....'

Devon was shocked to hear, or rather, see this. "Yesterday she did so well." He thought to himself. "I shouldn't of left her alone."

'Sorry,' He typed, 'I shouldn't of left you alone like that.'

'It's ok.'

'Want me to go get you?'


'If you need me at any time tonight, please call me?'

'I will.'

'And please don't stop texting me.'

'I'll try not to.'

'Ok beautiful.'

Devon got worried after she stopped texting. What should he do? What had other people done for him? Nothing. If it took her more then 20 minutes to reply he would drive there and stay the night if he had to. No matter what his mother said.

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