Chapter 4: Devon's rescue

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  • Dedicated to Yolanda Houssen

Devon coudn't get Autumn's screams of terror out of his head. She was so scared. Who was the guy in the background?

Devon pressed on the gas until he found Autumn's small house. He had to protect her from who-from whoever broke down the door!!

He ran to the broken door. It was sitting awkwardly to the side, held by only the bottom hinge. A giant black and brown hole was now plastered in the middle of the crystal white door. He walked quickly down the hall to another broken door. He heard the quiet wails and knuckles hitting flesh and bone.

When he walked in Autumn was scrunched against the wall in an awkward position. Each punch made her eyelids flutter and her eyes roll back in her head.

"Autumn!" Devon yelled, shocked. Then her eyelids stopped fluttering and she was gone.

Her uncle wouldn't stop punching her. Out of anger and hatred Devon stormed across the room and plowed into the drunken sailor. Both bodies fell onto the floor in a heap. The man grabbed onto Devon's clothing and he heard the ripping of fabric. Devon got on top of the drunk and punched him in the face over and over with a force he never thought he possessed. Blood started pouring from his nose and mouth and his eyes rolled back in his head. His arms stopped grabbing for Devon's clothing and fell to his sides with two echoing thumps.

Devon turned to Autumn. His green eyes burning with worry. He crawled over to her and carressed her face in his hands. She was so beat and battered that it brought a tear to his eyes. He wished he got there sooner and prevented all of the bruises and cuts her uncle had given her, but he hadn't gotten there fast enough.

"Autumn? Please wake up." His voice broke.

He ran one hand down her arm and shook her lightly. Her groan confirmed that she was still alive. Devon threw her right arm behind his neck and slid his arms under her legs and around her back. He picked her up with ease and put her gently on her bed.

Her uncle groaned and moved slightly. Devon stomped over and pulled his hair and pulled him outside, ignoring his crying pleads. Devon threw him down the front steps and said "Don't come back!"

Her uncle scrambled to his feet and ran to his car, fumbling with his keys to try and get out in a rush. Devon laughed at how pathetic the little man was. He went into Autumn's kitchen. It was small, the walls were blue with wooden cabinets. The fridge was white with a matching stove next to it. It was kind of an ugly kitchen, very unappealing, but all Devon wanted was running water and a facecloth.

After searching through cupboards and drawers he finally found a brown facecloth and wet it with warm water.

His feet padded down the hall as he got back to Autumn's room. She was still laying on her back, unconsious. He walked over to her with the warm, wet facecloth and sat beside her on the bed. He patted her lip with it and soaked up all the blood from her lip and nose.

Autumn sprung upward from a deep sleep with a loud gasp. She started breathing heavy and groaned in pain.


She jumped at the sound of his voice and looked at him. Recognition crossed her face, then relief. She hugged him tight and burried her face in his shoulder.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" Devon heard through muffled sobs.

He hugged her and looked around her room. His eyes landed on the bloody knife she used to cut herself. It was on the floor leaning againt the bed, blade poised up to the ceiling. He looked away and stared at her white pillow, stained dark red.

"Stay with me?" she asked.

"Of course." He looked at her fat lip and black eye.

Devon pushed himself onto the bed and laid down, opening his arms to invite her to lay down with him. She crawled over on her hands and knees and collapsed into his arms. Devon wrapped his arms around her and hummed a tune he made up in his head. He wished he could play his guitar for her or piano. His voice would have to do considering he had none handy. He wanted to sing her a song he wrote. He wanted to write her one.

He let her lay on top of him, her face nuzzled into his neck, her arms on his chest, her legs on top of his and his arms securely around her.


Autumn was so happy to find Devon in her room, especially after her visit from her uncle. Devon had kept his word, he was there to help her, no matter what.

When she laid down on him she felt at home in his arms, safe. She loved his voice. His humming soothed her and made her realize how tired she really was.

She closed her eyes and let herself slowly drift to sleep.


Devon couldn't believe how fast Autumn fell asleep. Her breathing was steady. He felt the broken rhythm of her heartbeat fall in sync with his. His eyes slowly started to close and his arms became weak.

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