Chapter 1

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Janie's POV
Jody and I have been walking for hours looking for the house. My brother said he'd be back soon, But we wanted to go for a walk. "Janie I think we should have waited for Brother to come home." Jody says as we walk down a dark alley way. " I know. We should have waited for Brother." I said as I look around. Suddenly there was footsteps following us. "Look what we have here two little girls all alone." I heard a Raspy voice come from behind us. I immediately pull Jody into a run. We run out of the alley and ran into two men.

Aoba's POV
I was heading home when I ran into my Childhood friend Koujaku. Koujaku ran up to greet me. "Aoba what are you doing here?" He said giving one of his famous smiles. "I just finished up at the shop so I'm heading home." Just as I said "Aoba is the blue one with you?" A small red bird said. The bird is Koujaku's allmate, Beni. Right when Beni asked a small blue allmate dog pokes it's head out of my bag. "I'm here." The dog said in a deep voice. The dog is my allmate Ren. Before any one could say anything two little brown haired girls ran out of the alley way into us. Followed by a group of men. Just by looking at the girls you can tell they are scared. Koujaku was going for his sword when the men ran away. The girls was clinging to us for dear life. I got down to the girls eye level. "Girls you both okay?" The girls slowly look up at me and nodded. "Where's your parents?" Koujaku asked calmly. The girls looked down sadly. "They're dead." "How about you come home with me and we can help you." I said calmly. The girls looked up and nodded. "My name is Aoba and this is Koujaku. What are your names?" They look up and one says " I'm Janie and this is my twin sister Jody." And with that we are on our way.

Jason POV
I come home and the girls are gone they left. I am now in my wolf form tracking the scent. I had my Pack look around town for my Sisters. Everyone left my sisters to die, I took them in and practically raised them. I finally caught their scent. And follow it to a alleyway and then it gets mixed with a scent of two human men, But one smelt like shampoo and the other smelt like cherry blossoms. I followed the scent and it got mixed with more scents. One smelt like cinnamon and another smelt like pizza and the last one smelt like sunshine. I followed it further to a two story house. If this turns into a fight one thing I know is I'm not leaving without my sisters.

Jody POV
Janie and I are sitting in a house with 5 men. There scents was mix together, But I can smell a Very familiar scent. I look at Janie and it look like she smelt it too. It was Brother. And he was close. We then hear knocking at the door and Janie and I get up and follow Aoba to the door and when he opened it. Standing there was our Brother,Alpha Jason. And he looked mad!

Aoba's POV
I answer the door and there stood a man wearing a blue tank top and black ripped jeans. He had long brown hair that almost covered his brown eyes. He stared at me with a angered look. "Where are my sisters?" He said growling. "Brother!" The girls ran out from behind me and into the mans arms. The man gently smiled and hugged them tightly. "Don't EVER sneak out of the house again. I was searching for you ever sense I got home. Do you know worried I was."
The man said in a sweet voice like he was going to cry. "This man helped save us from the mean men." Janie said into the man's ear. The man looked up at me and stood up. "Thank you for saving my sisters." The man said kindly to me. I decided to invite them in. "Would you like to come in?" Before he can say anything the girls pulled him inside making the man run into me. And fall right on me.

Jason POV
The man invited me in his home and I was about to answer when Janie and Jody pulled me into the house, right in to the blue haired man making me fall on him. I look down at the man expressionless. He was looking at me, he was blushing. After that I stood up quickly and helped the man to his feet. "Sorry about that. It's hard trying to keep them calm when I've been gone all day." I said still expressionless. "It's ok." He looked at me blushing. I look at him and reach out my hand to shake his. When a surge of pain went through my arm. "Ow!" I took hold of my arm. "Are you okay!?" The man asked,his voice was full of concern. I look up at him and nodded."Yeah don't worry about it. I'll see a doctor later." The man still looked at me. "My grandmother is a doctor. I'll see if she can look at your arm." He said gently taking my arm and bring me to the kitchen. Standing there was a old woman with pink hair and a yellow dress. "Granny can you help my friend here somethings wrong with his arm?" The old woman turned around and came toward me. She took my arm and started to pushing on my arm. I stood there baring the pain. She then went behind me. "Sit down." The woman said. I obediently sit down at the small table. She started to push on my shoulder blade. The pain was unbearable. "Ow!" I whimpered out. She pulled back and went to get something. "He fractured his shoulder." She said coming back with some bandages. "Shirt off." She commanded. As usual I obeyed her. She wrapped my shoulder and arm. "There done." She finally said and I stood up and put my shirt back on. And she told me not to do anything stupid. Afterwards The blue man looked at me "I don't think I introduced myself. My name is Aoba." He said sticking his arm out for me to shake. I gently take his hand shake it. "Jason." He smiled and lead me to the living room and 4 other men sat there and my sisters sat on the couch, in there wolf forms! The men sat watching me and Aoba. This going to be a long night.

-----sorry if this isn't how the storyline goes but I wanted Aoba to know them before hand.

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