Chapter 4

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Jason's Pov
We are at Keisen, getting ready to attack. We decided Noiz should stay back and work his hacking skills, while everyone else goes in. We are currently, waiting by the door so Noiz can unlock it. "It's open." Noiz said on the other side of the link. "Thank you." Aoba says, while we all head in. There was them creepy guys again! Me and Aoba are back to back, taking down creepy a**holes. Currently, Clear, Aoba and I are running down halls, looking for a way to the parking lot, that is until, we were cornered. But, due to that, I learned a few things 1. Clear is strong as hell. 2. Never upset Clear. 3. Clear can beat the hell out of people. The other two men back up into Mink, who also beats the hell out of them. They stayed behind as Aoba and I ran ahead. When we get to the parking lot, we see a bunch of guys with Tae-San and my sisters! "Granny!" Aoba yells, getting there attention. 'Nice going meat bag, they see us' The voice in my head said. The men turned there attention to us. It seemed Aoba knew one of the members. When I look back up the man had a knife to Tae's throat. Then Aoba and the man both fell to the ground. I ran to help Tae and the girls, suddenly...a gunshot ran out and a unbearable pain went through my side, causing me to fall next to Aoba's body. But, this bullet an't like the usual copper or bronze bullets I've seen. It was stinging me, so I immediately realize... It was Silver! My conciseness was fading fast. The last thing I see before blacking out was the girls trying to run to me, screaming for me with tear stained faces.
Janie's Pov
Jason got shot! Me and Jody are trying to get to him, but Clear and Koujaku keeps us held back. On instinct, we hit them and run to our brother's side. He's loosing blood fast. "Jason come on please get up! Don't leave us like mom!" Me and Jody cried to him. Tae walks up beside us and uses a chopstick to help get the bullet out, sense it wasn't to deep. And we use Jason's coat to wrap the wound, to keep it from bleeding. Tae goes back and tends to Aoba as me and Jody stay and watch Jason. "Jason, please wake up soon." Jody and I whispered. We feel something warm touch our heads. We look up to see Jason, he looked in pain and relived. Even though he was in pain, he still smiled at us. Jody and I stand and help our brother stand. We turn to see Aoba pass out again. "Come on, we're leaving." Tae said to us. We slowly walked along with the others. Jason still looked in pain and he looked... Confused? He looked at us and smiled. This is why we love him.
Jason's Pov
First I was in a dudes head, then a Rhyme battle with Aoba. Where we see a person, I never wanted to see...Toue. He told Aoba he needed to find the truth and it will begin. Then it went dark and I saw my sisters crying. That was real. I put my hands on their heads, even though I was hurting, I was still smiled and reassured them. We walked back to Aoba's home and waited. Tae wanted to get me properly treated, so she forced me to sit and let her help. I took my shirt off, revealing a big gunshot wound on my side. I heard a noise and looked up, seeing my sisters. I smile at them and look back at Tae, who was going to pour Alcohol on my wound. It was stinging badly, so I was gripping the chair, I was sitting in and look back up at my sisters and smiled through the pain. When Tae was done, she moved away and allowed the girls to come to me. They ran to me and crawled onto my lap with their heads on my chest. They seem to be falling asleep. Seeing them like that, I started to drift to sleep, while pulling the girls closer. 'Goodnight my Alpha' The voice said.
Aoba's Pov
I woke up in my room, with a terrible headache. Ren woke up next to me. "Aoba, how do you feel?" "My head hurts." I said, standing up from the bed with Ren in my arms. We go downstairs and walk in the kitchen to be greeted by everyone, except Jason and his sisters. I take some of my medicine and eat. I stand up and walk into the Living room to see the girls asleep on Jason, who was also asleep. It was probably the cutest thing I've seen in a long time. I walk back into the kitchen and sit down. Granny was telling us how she was a science researcher for Toue, when Jason walked in with the girls still asleep on his chest. He stands against the wall, holding his sisters. "So, you don't seem to fond of Toue either." Koujaku said, watching him closely. "I'm not actually." Jason said staring us dead in the eye. "Want to share about, why you hate Toue?" Koujaku asked. "Rather not. We all have our secrets. Some should be shared, others deserve to rot in a burning hole called hell. All I'll tell you is, that he's the reason this happened to us. My mother, my family, everyone." "But what happened to your father?" Clear asked. "I HAVE NO FATHER!" Jason yelled, causing the house to shake.
Jason's Pov
"I HAVE NO FATHER!" I yelled, caused the house to shake. I stood there, huffing. "Jason, your wound..." Clear said, pointing to my side. I look down at my side to see blood soaking through my shirt. I stand straight up again and walk out of the kitchen. The girls are starting to get a little heavy, probably because of blood lose. I lay the girl next to each other on the couch, and sit in front of the couch staring and the wall. 'Aww you forgot to tell them about me. That hurts my feelings. You look so cute watching your poor defenseless sisters. You really have become soft.' The voice said in a laughing voice. "Shut up and leave me alone!" I yell at the voice, while holding my head. I feel something warm on my head. I look up to see Aoba looking at me with...concern. "You okay?" He asked. "I'm fine. Thanks, I guess?" I said confused. "Well you should get some sleep, you can sleep up in my room." "No it's your bed and I'm fine here on the floor." I insisted, but Aoba some how picked me up and brought me upstairs. "You persistent aren't you?" I asked. He puts me on the bed and turns to leave. I get a devilish idea. I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bed next to me. "If we can't decide who gets the bed, why don't we share it?" I said holding him so he can't move. "Fine." He said turning to face me. His face blushed pure red, cute. We slowly drift into sleep. Unknown what will happen tomorrow.

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