Chapter 15

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Jason's POV
"Master." "I'm up." I said, standing. Today, I plan for revenge. I pick Shika up and walk out of my room, and down the stairs. I was almost to the door. Until I heard..."Brother, where you going?" I turned to see the girls, standing at the top of the stairs. "Girls, I need to go out for business. I'll try to be back before morning, if I'm not back before then tell the others I went to Oval tower." I said, giving my adorable sisters, who so much resembles my loving mother a hug. I send them back to bed, and proceeded out the door. I ran down the street and toward Oval tower. Halfway to the tower, I got a email, I open it, it was a invitation to Oval tower. I got to the tower and inside to be greeted by the as. "Master, is in his office waiting for you."a1 said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the elevator. He pushed in a few buttons, causing us to ascend. Soon, it stopped and they lead me out of the elevator, and proceeded to a big door. 'Figured the a**hole, would hide in the tallest room of the tower, f**king Rapunzel if you ask me.' The voice snarled, as we walked through the giant sized door. Standing in the middle of the room, stood the man who ruined my life and stole my mother from me...Toue. "Well, its good to see you've been well, Jason." He said, as if nothing happened 4 years ago. "What do you want, Toue?" I spat on his name. "You now, what I want." He said, gesturing over to the side of the room, a door I haven't been through since 4 years ago. I sent him a glare. "You know, I'm not here for that." I growled. He chuckled, then turned toward a large screen, as a image showed my friends and sisters running through the hallways of the tower. " wouldn't dare!" I yelled. "Trip, Virus show Jason to another room." Toue said, as I was picked up from behind. I started swinging and kicking, anything to get away from the duo. Eventually, I was pinned to the ground with Trip and Virus peering down at me. Trip had my wrists pinned above my head as Virus sat on my abdomen. I laid there panting from the struggle. I look at Virus and Trip to see them smirking down at me. "Seems we got you this time, Alpha Jason." Virus said, I had a flash of realization, they took my sisters from me back at Keisen. I growled as Virus started to bring his mouth toward my neck. I squirmed trying to at least get my arms free, but it was useless. Virus attached himself to my neck, every once and awhile biting down on it, causing me to grunt and squirm more frantically. Finally, Virus let go, as Trip latched onto my neck, causing me to make a small moaning grunting noise. Finally, I had enough. I bucked my hips and twisted, switching Positions with Virus. I panted and growled as he looked up at me with a smirk. I push Trip away from me, quickly I stood and ran toward the door, grabbing my bag on the way. I ran through the hallways until I ran into someone with a white coat. He turned and launched himself at me. Finally, I realized it was Clear. "Jeez Clear, don't scare me like that." I said, looking up at him. "Sorry Jason, have you seen Master and the other?" He asked, as I shook my head. "Jason!" I heard someone yell from behind us. I turned to see the rest of our multicolored group and my sisters. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, crossing my arms. "The girls told us you left, so we came to get you." Koujaku said, patting my shoulder. I look over at Aoba, who seems deep in thought. "I'm guessing you met Sei." I said, smelling the air. "Yeah, how do you know?" "I met with Sei a few times." I said, walking toward Toue's disgusting smell. "Where you going?" Clear said, as the rest followed me. I remained quiet. Soon, we came up to a door. I kick it open, causing the doors to come off the hinges and fly across the room. In the middle of the room, once again stood Toue. We walked in as Toue smirked. "Well, you escaped, something I'd expected from Lilac's son." He said, causing me to growl. "Don't you dare say my mothers name, you disgusting old man." I yelled, causing the group behind me to back up a little. "Is that really a nice thing to say to your own..." "Don't you dare, call yourself that lost that privilege over 14 years." I shouted, causing my wolf form to show. "Brother." I hear the girls whisper,as they quiver from behind Koujaku, Mink, and Noiz. "Do not raise your voice to..." "I WILL RAISE MY VOICE WHEN I WANT TO RAISE MY VOICE!" I shouted, completely enraged. "...Your father." He finished, smirking. "NO, YOU WE'RE NEVER MY FATHER! YOUR JUST A SICK B**TERED WHO THINKS TORTURING CHILDREN AND RUINING THEIR LIVES ARE FUN, YOU EVEN STOOPED SO LOW TO KILL YOUR OWN WIFE AND TURN YOUR CHILDREN INTO BEASTS FOR YOU OWN SICK GAME!" I shouted, running toward him, suddenly my vision goes red. And then I black out.

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