Chapter 9

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Jason's POV
"MASTER?! MASTER?! WAKE UP...ITS TIME TO GET UP!!!!!" Shika shouted, jumping up and down on my chest. "I'm up...I'm up...I SAID IM UP!!!" I yelled as I shoot up from my pillow, causing my poor allmate to fall on my lap. "Sorry, Shika." I said picking him up, cuddling him. I sat Shika down and stood from the bed, stretching my arms causing my back to crack and pop with each move. I walk down stairs, with Shika on my tail. I walk into the kitchen only to be tackled by the girls, followed by Clear. "What the hell!?!" "Come on, brother, your going to miss breakfast." My sisters said, pulling on my arms as Clear pushes me from behind. "Whoa...slow down there cowgirls and don't have to push/pull. I can walk on my own." I complained pulling back against Clear trying to get the girls to let go. "Okay!" The girls said, letting me go, causing me to fall on Clear, who fell from me suddenly loosing my balance. "Sorry, Clear." I said, standing and pulling him up. Even after that he still dragged me to the table. No one was I guess their probably doing there own things. I look up to see Clear place a plate full of fruit, bacon, and an egg. "The hell you want me to do with this!?" I look up at Clear, who decides to stand in front of me and watch me. "What you want me to do with this?" I said, gesturing to the plate. "You haven't been eating so...I'm going to watch you...until you eat that plate." He said, I swear I could see him smiling through the mask. "I'm not hungry." I said, pushing the plate away. "At least eat a few pieces of fruit and bacon, and at least a bite of the egg." He asked, pushing the plate back to me. I ate at least a piece of apple, a banana, a piece of bacon and a bite of egg. " can I go?" I said, full annoyed. Clear nodded. I stood and went to find the girls and Shika.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Girls, you ready to go?" I said, putting Shika in my Bag, so his head is sticking out. "Okay, brother lets go." Janie said, taking my hand. "Jody, lets go." I said, sticking my hand out to her. She immediately takes it and stands at my side, ready to take off any moment. I know you might be wondering, 'Jason? Where are you going?' Well the answer is that I'm going to shop with my sisters. We've been busy and didn't get to look around much. And we've been wearing the same outfit for days and they starting to wear and smell. So we're going clothes shopping and maybe get an accessory for Shika. "Okay, remember to stay close, don't run off, and remember 'stranger danger'. Let's go!" I said, as the girls pretty much dragged me out the door.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Oh Brother look at these pretty dresses." Janie exclaimed, feeling dresses on the hooks with Jody by her side. "Why don't you pick some dresses and we go have you try them on." I smiled, as their faces light up like Christmas night. I helped them pick out a few until they suggested I get a few clothes to try too. I helped Janie try clothes, first.
Janie's dresses->

Janie's dresses->

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