Chapter 18

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Jason's POV
"...Ster." It hurts...
"Mas..ter.." Why am I hurting?
"Jason, come on, get up." I want to but I can't...
"Open your eyes and wake the hell up!" I heard someone say. I slowly open my eyes, only to be met with a blurred figure. "Jason!" I look upward to see a white figure, who I'm guessing is Clear, jump at me. Hugging me tightly, while sitting in my lap. I groaned, sitting up holding Clear, so he wouldn't fall off....actually I think if he fell, he would survive. "Why the hell do I look and feel like I got hit by a flying building?" I asked, as Koujaku and Mink helped me stand. I looked over my clothes, only to see bloody shreds of cloth hanging off my body. "What the hell happened?" I asked, ripping off the few strands of what was left of my shirt. I looked toward the door that was on the far side of the room. I slowly made my way toward the door as the others was talking. I sighed before pushing the door open. Inside was stuffed toys, cages of bird, and in the middle of it all was the raven haired man I met over 4 years ago. "Sei..." I whispered, slowly walking over and kneeling down in front of the pale man. I took his hand in mine, as I laid my forehead on his knees. "Sei...I'm so sorry...I didn't want to leave you behind...." I said, tears threatening to fall. I felt a cold hand being placed on my head. I look up at my almost lifeless friend. "I brought your brother here. He can help....Just don't leave me." I begged, tears trailing down my cheeks. "It's alright, Jay..." I heard him whisper, running his hand through my hair. " know I'm not gonna make it..." I heard him say, I tightened the grip on his hand, refusing to let him leave. "Please...don't leave me...Your strong...I know you can live..." I begged him. We stayed in silence, until I felt a warm hand touch my head. I whipped my head around to see Aoba. I knew what needed to be done. I slowly let go of Sei's hand and stood up. I gave Sei a hug and pat Aoba on the shoulder, before walking out of the room to the rest of my friends. "We need to go. The tower's gonna collapse." I said, picking up my sisters. "What about Aoba?" Koujaku asked. I sighed, handing the girls to Clear and Mink. "Take the girls and go I'll stay behind with Aoba, as soon as he's done with Sei, we'll meet you at Glitter." I ordered, handing Janie my bag. I quickly sent them off. It wasn't long before the tower started shaking. Soon, Aoba ran over to me, Sei right by his side. "What are you doing here?!" Aoba asked, skidding to a stop. "No time to explain, we got to get out of here." I said, before shifting in a large gray wolf. Aoba helped Sei onto my back before Climbing on. The gripped onto my fur as I bolted down the hallways. It wasn't long until we made it to the stairs. I jumped down each staircase with ease...for Aoba and't fun on their end. It wasn't long until we made it to the ground floor, the ceiling was collapsing. We almost made it to the exit, until...I heard someone cry out for help. I slid to a stop and looked around. I brought the twin brothers to the exit and quickly nudged them to go on. As soon as they got off, I bolted off toward the cry. I found nothing. I quickly took off toward the exit, as the building began to cave in. I could see the exit, rubble falling in front of me. Jumping over fallen rubble and quickly Slid through the exit, Just as the rubble caved it in. I slowly trotted my way back to Glitter. I slowly padded up the steps of my safe house. I looked around before shifting. I opened slowly opened the door, waiting to be hit with a hug or didn't come. I slowly walked toward the kitchen. Just as I was outside the kitchen door, I was suddenly knocked to the ground. I slowly opened my eyes to see a happy Clear. "Jason, I'm so glad, your back okay. Master came in just minutes before you." He said, sitting in my waist. "Clear, if you don't mind getting off of me, it would be very appreciated." I groaned, instead of getting of me, Clear just moved forward onto my abdomen. I rolled my eyes at his silliness, as I sat up. I pat his head, before helping him stand up. He practically drags me into the kitchen, where everyone was. Aoba and Sei was chatting, Noiz was on his coil, Mink and Koujaku was drinking coffee, and the girls are probably upstairs, sleeping. Everyone settled down as Clear and I entered. I sat down, putting my head in my hands, as everyone still stared at me. "What?" I asked, looking at them. "What do we do now? The tower has been destroyed, Sei has been saved. Now what?" Aoba asked, as everyone else listened closely. "What do you mean by we? The evil bastard is dead. We go back to the old district and get on with our lives, simple as that." I said, leaning back in my chair, almost carefree....almost. "By we...we mean Are we still going to see you around?" Koujaku asked. "I said we get back to our lives, not we go back to not knowing anybody." I said, getting up from my seat. "And trust me, I'm sure I'll be seeing you all around sooner or later." I smiled, before walking out of the room.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It's been a few weeks since the tower collapsed and since I've seen the rest of the gang. I was currently sitting in a small cafe with Shika and my sisters. We sat in the corner, listening to awful singing. It was Karaoke night here, so I come and sing. Soon, the song was over. "Okay, so next up is a man who comes here every week...please welcome Jason Bloodfang to the stage." The announcer said, as I stood up from my seat. Everyone who was familiar with me, started cheering and clapping. I walked up to the stage and stood next to the announcer. "Okay Mr. Bloodfang, what is the song your singing tonight?" The lady asked, leaning the microphone toward me. "I'm going to be singing Marry You." I said, as the lady took the mic back. "Is there a particular reason, why you want to sing a song like that?" She asked with a flirty look. "I'm singing this song for my friends, Daren and his girlfriend(mate), Allison." I said, as the people started clapping as Daren and his mate waved. The lady scowled, handing me the microphone.The music began to play as she hurried off stage.
"It's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it that look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby?
I think I wanna marry you.
Well, I know this little chapel on the boulevard,
We can go,
No one will know...
Oh come on, girl
Who cares if we're trashed?
Got a pocket full of cash,
We can blow...
Shots of patron,
And it's on girl...
Don't say no, no, no, no, no.
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And we'll go, go, go, go, go,
If you're Ready,
Like I'm Ready,
Cause it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do,
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you,
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby?
I think I wanna marry you.
I'll go get a Ring,
Let the choir bells sing like ooohhhh,
So what ya wanna do?
Let's just Run girl.
If we wake up and you wanna break up,
That's cool.
No, I won't blame you.
It was fun girl.
Don't say no, no, no, no, no.
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And we'll go, go, go, go, go.
If you're Ready,
Like I'm Ready!
Cause it's a beautiful night,
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.
Just say I do.
Tell me Right now baby.
Tell me Right now baby, baby.
Just say I do.
Tell me Right now baby.
Tell me Right now baby, baby.
It's a beautiful night.
We're looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you!
Is it the look in your eyes?
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby?
I think I wanna marry you." I finished, before smiling and bring the mic back up to my lips. "Allison, if you can just stand up for a second. I think Daren has something to ask you." Allison looked confused, before standing up along with Daren. Daren turned to Allison. "I dated Allison for about 6 years now, and I know for a fact that she is by far the best that's happened to me. So, I have finally worked up the courage to ask...." Daren stopped, before getting down on his knee. "Allison, will you marry me?" He asked, as Allison nodded, before kneeling down Kissing Daren. We all began to clap, as I hand the mic back to the lady. I immediately walked back to my sisters, who were smiling ear to ear. It wasn't long until a few familiar faces walked over to us. "Jason!" I heard a familiar voice call as I was pinned to my seat. And there on top of me was non other than Clear. "Hey Clear." I said, hugging him back. It wasn't long until he was followed by Aoba, Noiz, Mink, Sei, and Koujaku. Along with they're allmates. The Allmates sat on the table as we talked. Seems that everything is fine with them after the tower fell. Sei doesn't look as pale as he was, Aoba and Sei don't have they're scrap abilities anymore. They're hair also had no nerves after the tower fell. So, now Aoba has short hair. Mink hair was now down instead of in its usual dreadlocks. Noiz cleaned up well too. The only one who hasn't changed is Koujaku. We talked before we headed home.

~Sorry it's short but I need a honest opinion, I want to end it with a ship...but I want to know if I should or not. Since y'all are reading the story. And if you want a ship, who will be shipped with Jason...Just please comment who you want to be the ship or if you don't want a ship just tell me. Anyway please tell me. Bye wolves ~Emil

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