No More Eating In The Car

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A/N This was suggested by Pappersflygplan. Thanks for the great idea!

Sorry it took so long! You would NOT believe the computer problems I was having! >:(

Anyways though, I hope you and everyone else enjoys the story! :D


 Zayn was the first one up. He glanced at the clock. 6:30 AM. "Shit." He muttered and then forced himself out of bed. "Lads!" He yelled running down the hall. "Come on! Get up! We're late!" He banged on Louis's door. "Get up Lou! We're late!"

A very sleepy and angry Louis flung open the door. "What the hell are you talking about?!"

"It's 6:30. We have to leave in 20 minuets." Zayn said. "You get Liam, I'll get Harry and Niall."

Louis nodded and ran down to Liam's room. Zayn ran into Harry and Niall's. "Come on lads! Get up, we're late. We have to leave in 20 minuets, so up!"

"What are you talking about?!" Harry yelled at him.

"We have to drive to Newcastle and that takes around 4 hours. We're leaving in 20 minuets because that's when the car gets here. So come on! Up!" Zayn said. He moved over to Niall and shook him.

"Go away!" Niall yelled.

"We want to sleep!" Harry declared.

"I know what will get you boys up and moving." Zayn jerked the covers down to reveal Niall's pj clad bum. He raised his hand high and brought it down on his bum.

"Ow!" Niall yelled.

Zayn walked over to Harry's bed and did the same.

"Ouch!" He yelled. It got the lads moving though.

"That will feel like a love pat if you're not ready in time." Zayn threatened and ran back to his room to get ready. Throwing on clothes and fixing his hair quickly, he grabbed his suit case and hurried down stairs. Liam was down there with Louis. Liam was rubbing his head. "Does your head hurt? Do you need medicine?"

"No." Liam grumbled. "Louis got me up by whacking me with the pillow over and over again."

Louis laughed. "Got you up though. Are the other lads up?"

"Yeah. A quick swat gets them moving." Zayn said smiling.

Harry and Niall came trudging down the stairs with their suit cases just as the car was pulling up. The driver helped them put their things in the trunk and the lads got settled in the back. Liam, Harry, and Niall on one side facing Zayn and Louis. The only way they could talk to the driver was to punch a button to turn the intercom on.

Niall's head dropped on to Liam's shoulder. He elbowed him. "Why'd we have to get up so early?" Niall complained.

"Because it's a 5 hour drive. Why don't you three try and get some more sleep." Louis said. They started driving and within 10 minuets, all 5 lads were alseep.


About 3 hours later they started to wake up. Harry woke up first and looked at the other sleeping lads. He pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of Zayn's head on Louis's shoulder, and one of Niall on Liam. He tweeted them and it took about oh... 4 seconds for them to become worldwide, with a bunch of cute and so hot comments. He laughed at one really funny one. It woke up Liam and Niall.

"What's so funny?" Niall asked.

"Yeah." Liam said. Harry showed them the twee. It said, "Aww those boys are so cute! I just wanna wrap them up and take them home and throw them in bed and go CRAZY!!!!!! Lol jk... Or am I?!?!?!?!?"

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