Thunder Stormes ARE Evil

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This was suggested by Rahima235

I hope it's everything you wanted :D I just changed it a tinsy-weenisy little bit. I doubt you'll be able to find the change! In face, I DARE you to find the change, Rahima235!!!

Since nobody has been able to guess my fav song, I'll give you guys a hint: It's not on Itunes!

That should make it easier, keep trying!!!

And I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update!!!! I've been super busy with school getting started and band camp. I'll try to update at least once a week!!!

Enjoy everybody!


"Bye Nialler!" Louis called out happily, grabbing his face, and forceably kissing his forhead.

"Lay off Lou!" Niall said, rubbing his forehead, but he was laughing. "See you lot later."

The rest of the boys said bye and left. Liam and Harrry needed new clothes, and Louis and Zayn needed to get grocerys. So they were all going out together, and Niall was staying home.

He walked into the kitchen and pulled out a bag of chips. Then suddently it dawned on him. He was alone. He... Was... Alone... He. Was. Alone. He! Was! Alone! Niall ran up the stairs and down the hallways, then back downstairs, around the couch, to the laundry room, and then continued to run around the house for a good 20 minuets. After all, if he did this with Louis or Zayn home, he wouldn't be able to walk, let alone run.

When he finally finished running, he put down the chips, and went to take a shower. The hot water felt nice. By the time he got out, it was 8 and was getting dark out. Niall threw on some boxers and sweats, and journyed to the couch. He floped on it and turned to telly to a football movie. In about, oh... 20 minuets, he was asleep.

Meanwhile, Louis was checking the weather. They had just finished grocery shopping, and were gonna head home soon. "Lads?"

"Yeah." Harry said.

"What is it?" Zayn asked.

"What's up." Liam questioned.

"The weather's looking pretty bad. We should get home fast. I think it's gonna thunderstorm." Lou said, tucking his phone back in his pocket.

"Oh no. Poor Niall." Zayn said. "Your right. He hates thunderstormes. Let's get home fast." He walked out to the car.

Liam groaned. "Why do we have to worry about Niall. He's old enough to take care of himself, so he shouldn't be worried about a stupid storm." Liam slid into the back seat, next to Harry.

"Yeah, Niall will be fine." Harry agreed, shutting the door. Louis twisted around in his seat, to glare at the Harry.

"You know Niall is scared of thunderstormes. If you make fun of him, you won't be sitting pretty for a few days, Harold. I can guarentee that!" Louis looked at Liam now. "Or we could have a repeat of the Icy-Hot so soon. How would you like that, Liam?" Liam and Harry both paled a little, and shook their heads no. Zayn quickly drove home. He told Harry and Liam and Louis to put everything away, while they checked up on Niall.

Niall looked up at Zayn and Louis as they walked in. The storm had started, and the loud thunder had just woken him up, and scared him. He quickly wiped away tears, and tried to say something. "Hey guy- ahh!" He screamed at another loud thunder clap, and started sobbing. Zayn rushed over to Niall.

"Hey, it's okay." He cooed, comforting Niall with a big hug.

Niall pressed his face into Zayn's shoulder and cried harder. "Thunder stormes don't like me. They are evil!" Zayn rocked Niall, slightly, and held him tighter.

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