No Good Reason

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A/N This was suggested by jennabenna514. Thanks for the gread idea!

Hope you enjoy it! :D Sorry it took me so long to update! I don't really have an excuse, lol. :)


 Louis was having a bad day. He and Eleanor had gotten into a fight this morning. Then he couldn't find his comfy swatpants, so he was wearing skinny jeans. It wasn't that he didn't like them, he just wasn't in a skinny jean mood. They were out of his favorite cereal and he really didn't want pancakes. They were too sweet for the foul mood he was in. Everyone was getting on his nerves.

When Louis finally found his sweat pants, he wanted to rip them up. They were dirty. So he grabbed a bunch of other clothes and went down to the laundry room. There were clothes in the washer. He knew who they belonged to.

"Liam" He yelled.

"What?" Liam yelled back. He was upstairs, answering some questions on twitter.

"Come here now!" He head Louis yell. He sounded mad. Liam shut his laptop and walked downstairs.

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the laundry room! Get in here!"

Liam made his way past the music room and past the spare bed and bathrooms to the laundry room. "What's wrong?"

Louis looked furious. He pointed toward the washer. "How long have those been there?"

Liam thought for a moment. "A few hours I think. I was gonna change it over soon."

"You'll change it over now! Think about other people too Liam. Plus your clothes could have molded." Louis said sternly.

Liam gave him a strange look. "Sorry Lou... I'll change it over now..."

"Good!" With that, Louis left and went out to watch the telly. Sighing he sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. He pressed the power button. The screen flickered on, but there was just static. Louis narrowed his eyes. He pressed it again. And again. "Damn." He growled quietly. "The storm musta knocked out the telly."

"Whoo-hoo!" Harry yelled, sliding down the banister. Louis twisted around to see Harry climbing off of it. "That was awsome!"

"Harold Edward Styles!" Louis yelled, causing the younger lad to jump.

"Hey Lou." Harry said.

"Don't you 'Hey Lou' me, young man." He said, standing up and walking over to Harry. "Just what on Earth were you doing?!"

Harry looked at his feet. "I slid down the banister."

"And why did you do that instead of taking the stairs?" Louis asked, trying to keep his voice level.

"Because I thought it would be more fun." Harry mumbled.

"More fun, but extremely dangerous! You could have gotten seriously hut! What if you had fallen off at the top of the stairs, or fallen onto the stairs and hurt your back?" Louis yelled at Harry.

Harry looked up. "I just wanted to have a little fun!"

"It was dangerous though! Go to your room Harry." He said.


"GO!" Harry stomped up the stairs and to his room. Louis pinched the bridge of his nose and sat back down on the couch. He just wanted 5 minuets of peace and quiet or else he was really going to lose it.

Niall came down the stairs. He was in a good mood. And he wanted a candy bar. He saw Lou on the couch. "Hey Lou, can we go down to the drug store and get a candy bar?"

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