Introducing Karma, The Bitch (Part 2)

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This is the finishing one to the chapter before! Hope it's everything you wanted


Harry and Niall sat downstairs watching the telly when they heard Louis yelling. "Why do you think he's yelling?" Niall asked.

Harry srugged. "Who cares. He's probably yelling at Liam for 'smoking'." He raised his fingers and made the quotation marks around smoking. Niall laughed.

"Well he deserves it for taking away our movie. We're old enough to watch it." Niall leaned back into the couch and refocused on the football game they were watching. Zayn and Louis came quietly down the stairs. Neither Harry or Niall saw them. Zayn walked in front of the telly.

"Turn it off lads." He told them, sounding strict. Slowly, Harry raised the remote and clicked it off.

"What's wrong? Is Liam okay?" Niall asked, sounding concerned, even though he wasn't.

"Liam's fine. I'd worry more about yourselves." Zayn said, giving a quick nod to Louis, who was standing behind the lads. He raised his hand and dropped all the smokes into their laps.

Niall gasped and Harry went white as a sheet. "Care to explain what these were doing in your room, lads?" Louis said, walking around to stand next to Zayn.

Niall's mouth and throat felt like it had closed up. He really hadn't expected to be caught. He looked at Harry.

"Well... Um, Liam. He must have planted them under our pillows." Harry said, not noticing his fatal mistake.

Louis sighed. "I said in your room. Nothing about them being under your pillows."

Harry groaned and dropped his head into his hands. "How did we get caught?"

"Karma's a bitch, Harry." Zayn glared at both of them. "What were you thinking? Was that dumb movie really that important?"

"It was our movie. We have a right to watch it!" Niall declared, getting his voice back.

Zayn strode forward, and knelt down, so he was staring into Niall's eyes. "And what right is that, Niall?" He asked quietly.

"Well it's... Um it's um..."

"That's what I thought. I was going to give Liam 100 with the belt, paddle, and my hand. We're going to give you lads 60. 10 with our hand, 20 with the belt, 30 with the paddle." Niall and Harry were both staring at him, worried and a little afraid."Unless you want to take Liam's punishment, I expect Harry to be in Louis's room, bared, nose in the corner, quiet, and Niall to be in my room, bared, nose in the coner, quiet. You have 5 minuets." He barked the last word out. "Go!"

Niall and Harry jumped up, smokes falling to the ground, and raced to the rooms, each afraid and slightly fearing for their lives. Zayn watched the lads run, and sighed. "I wish they would learn what's wrong and right in the next few seconds. I'm tired of spanking them. Tired of seeing them in pain and upset..."

Louis put his hand on Zayn's shoulder and squeezed. "I know. I hate seeing the lads so upset. But they're just teenagers. They're going to continue to mess up and expect us to correct them. Sadly though, it includes long and hard spankings, to get through their thick skulls." He gave him a small smile. "The extra paddle is in the hallway closet right?"

Zayn returned the small smile and nodded. "I'm heading up to deal with Niall. Have fun with Harry." With that, he dissapeared up the stairs and soon the smacks were falling. Louis went on a search for the paddle, before finding it 3 minuets later.

He made his way up the stairs and to his room. There, Harry was trembling slightly in the corner, crying softly. Lou steeled his heart and mentally closed off his ears. This wasn't going to be easy for Harry. "Save those tears young man, you'll want them later."

Harry turned around and looked at Louis. "I'm really sorry, Lou."

He pulled out his belt and went and sat down on the bed. "I know you are Harry. Come here." Harry made his way over to Louis and was pulled over his lap. "Why are you getting this spanking Harry?"

"Because I got mad at Liam for a stupid reason, and tried to get him spanked, and lied." Harry's voice shook a little. Louis made a noise of approval and landed the first slap with his hand. It was in the middle of his bum and hard, so Harry squeaked. The next slaps fell fast and hard. Harry was crying at the end of the 10.

Louis picked up the belt and doubled it, tucking the buckle into his hand. He tapped it agains Harry's bum once, letting him know another instrument was being used, and Harry cried harder. Louis tried not the sigh, and let it fall on Harry's bum again. Harry almost screamed on the first slap, it hurt so much. He was bawling through the next 14. "L-Lou I-I'm sorry! S-S-Stop!"

"I'm glad you're sorry Harry. 5 more. I'll make them fast." He raised it up again and brought it down fast for the next 5. Harry went limp over Louis's lap, forgetting about the next 30. Louis reached over and grabbed the paddle. When he tapped against Harry's bum, he went beserk.

"No Louis! I-I don't want anymore!" Harry yelled, thrashing around.

"Harry, stop!" Louis yelled, tightening his grip on the younger lad. When he didn't, Louis raised the paddle and brought it down on Harry's bum, rapidly. Harry screamed, and stoped moving, laying limp over Louis's lap sobbing.

"Now that was 5. You have 25 more. Be glad I'm counting those, because I really shouldn't!" He scolded Harry. "Be still for the next ones."

Harry sniffed. "I-I'm sorry Boo Bear. It just hurts so much."

"It should Harold. It's a spanking." Louis resisted rolling his eyes. He raised the paddle and brought it down all over Harry's bum. Harry sobbed and pleaded through the nest 20. Finally at the last 5, Harry was crying to hard to speak, and Louis felt a little sick. He really hated making Harry cry. But he needs the reminders, Lou thought. And it really is for his own good.

He raised the paddle and landed it on the top his bum. Then two in the middle. And the last two were on his sit-spots. Harry was almost in hysterics. Louis tossed the paddle and cradled Harry in his arms. "I-I-I'm s-sorry Louis!" Harry wailed.

"I know you are Hazza. It's all okay now. It's all okay." Louis whispered, cuddling Harry. He held him for a long time until he finally stopped crying. Louis pressed a kiss to Harry's temple. "Hazza?"

"Yeah." Harry said quietly, almost asleep.

"You know Zayn and I love you right?" Louis asked, holding him a little tighter.

Harry pulled himself away to look into his eyes. "Of course I know that."

"Just making sure Hazza. Will you go apologize to Liam now?" Louis said, hugging Harry again.

"Yeah. Don't worry I will." Harry said, leaning back into him. "But can I take a nap first?"

Louis let out a low chuckle. "Yeah I think we can manage that." He scooted back into the bad and layed Harry next to him. Soon they were both passed out.


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Also I wanna say congratulations and happy birthday and thank you to One Direction. This is their 3 year aniversarry. I don't think I spelled that right... Oh well, anyways, we all love you One Direction, thank you so much for everything!

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