Drunk Driving Part 1

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A/N This was suggested by KenlynnMartin. :D Thanks for the idea, it was a great one!


Niall opened his eyes. He listened. The entire house was quiet. He glanced at his clock. 10 o'clock. Everybody was alseep. "Harry!" Niall whispered across the room.

"Yeah?" Harry whispered back.

"I think they're all asleep. Let's go!" Niall got out of bed and crept towards the door. Harry followed him. "We'll have to take Zayn's car. If we get there and back by 3 AM, they'll never know we left."

Harry grinned. "Best idea we've had in a while."  The two boys slipped down the stairs and out the door. Niall laughed when they got out the door. "I'll dirve! I can't believe they wouldn't jsut let us go to this party. It's going to be awsome!"

Niall slid into the passenger side while Harry started to car. They drove down to the party. It was a crazy house party. The music was so loud they could hear it in the car. Harry laughed. "Let's do this!" He yelled getting out of the car.

"Yeah!" Niall yelled pumping his fist in the air. They were meet at the door with two very pretty girls, each holding a cup of beer.

"Don't mind if I do."  Niall said taking the cup.

"Thanks love." Harry said taking the other cup. And in they went...


Zayn yawned and opened his eyes. It was 4 in the morning. Why the hell am I awake, he thought shutting his eyes. They popped open a few moments later. He just about ran to the bathroom.

Sighing, he walked back to his room after he finished his buisness. No more drinks before bed, he thought as he walked past Niall and Harry's room. The door was open. The boys never slept with the door open. They liked the privacy of having their own space. Zayn peered in the room to see empty beds.

Quickley his exhaustion vanished as he pushed the door all the way open and walked in. Where are the boys, Zayn thought feeling a little bit of panic set in. He ran to the other bathroom looking for them. Then he ran down to the kitchen. Hopefully Niall got hungry and dragged Harry down too. They weren't there.

Zayn searched the rest of the house before going to wake up Louis. "Wh... What? What's wrong Zayn?" Louis said as Zayn shook his shoulder.

"Have you seen the boys?" He asked.

"Iall and Arry?" Louis slurred rubbing his eyes.

Zayn rolled his eyes and replied, "Yeah. I can't find them anywhere. They're not in the house."

That got Louis's attention. He sat up. "Are you sure? Have you checked with Liam?"

"That's where I'm going next."

"Okay. If they're not with Liam, come get me. We'll go look for them." Louis said laying back down.

Zayn sighed. "Thanks Louis." He said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. Louis gave a laugh and held up a thumbs-up sign.

Zayn grumbled to himself as he left Louis's room and headed over to Liam's. Liam was sprawled out on his bed. Zayn couldn't help but smile. Liam was the same age as himself and Louis but, sometimes he seemed as young as Harry and Niall. Zayn walked over and shook his shoulder "Hey, Liam."

Liam gasped and shot up grabbing Zayn's arm tightly. "Hey it's okay." Zayn tried to calm down his friend.

"Oh, god... Zayn it's 4:30 in the morning. Why are you here?" Liam asked rubbing a hand over his face.

"Sorry to wake you Li, but it's Niall and Harry. I can't find them anywhere." Zayn said rubbing Liam's back.

"I haven't see them since they went to bed. Have you asked Louis?" Liam said looking up at him with half closed eyes.

"Yeah I already asked him. He doesn't know either. Sorry to wake you up, go back to sleep. I'll find them with Louis, okay?" Zayn said pushing Liam back down into the bed. There were no protests from him as he fell back asleep. Zayn pulled the duvet back up to his chin as Liam turned on his side and murmered a few words.

Zayn left Liam's room and headed towards Louis's room, before he heard something. Loud music. and laughter. There was Niall's unmistakable laugh. Zayn yelled, "Louis! Liam! Wake up! I think I know where Niall and Harry went!" Soon both the lads were there. Louis was in his boxers and Liam was tying his robe shut.

"Where are they?" Louis asked. Zayn pointed toward the door. They three of them went outside to see Zayn's car parked in the middle of the yard with Harry and Niall in hysterics on the ground. Zayn saw red for a moment.

"Are you two drunk!" Zayn yelled at them.

Niall lifted his head up. "That's a dirty lie started by the girls who gave us our first beer."  He said. Harry burst out laughing again and rolled over onto his stomach.

"And you drove home?! Actually for starters, you took my car?!" Zayn shouted.

"You got it Zayney!" Harry declared. Liam, who were still very sleepy, chimed in then

"Wait a minuet! You went to that party we all told you not to go to?" Liam asked.

"Yup! And it was A-MA-ZING!" Niall yelled.

Zayn charged forward and jerked both boys up. "Neither of you will be able to sit for a month!" He yelled at them. Harry and Niall just laughed. Louis walked forward.

"No Zayn. They're too drunk and you're too angry. You can spank them tomorrow, when they're mostly sober and you've calmed down. Liam, come over here and help me with them." Louis said, pulling Zayn's arms off of Harry and Niall. Louis lifted a blabbering Niall into his arms and carried him to his room. Liam the same with Harry. Zayn put his car back in the original place.

They put the boys in bed and Liam went back to bed. After Zayn hit the sack, Louis went back to bed for a few more hours. Sighing, he looked at his ceiling. Those boys really pushed it this time, he thought. They're in for a rude awaking tomorrow. Oh well, Louis rolled onto his side and shut his eyes. Zayn won't push them past their limit...

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