Chapter 9- marvel

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"We'll, that's weird....why are people opening the ground??" I ask, realizing I sounded really stupid a moment later when Clove and Cato rolled there eyes and Thresh and Rue were laughing at me. I was ok with that though. I was usually the jokester back in 1.

And before I know it I catch myself laughing, too. Cato and clove went off hand in hand (thats weird..)back to where they were as me, Thresh and Rue all sit down and start to joke around. But Thresh is acting he is jealous of me..or wants to smash my face in with his gigantic fists. Probably both.

"Can I ask you something, Thresh?" I say. Oh god!, I Think, what have I gotten myself into?!

"What-I mean, sure go ahead." He said correcting himself probably to sound not-so-scary around Rue.

Ok here it goes!

"Why do you look like you want to kill me right now?" Rue giggled a little and thresh looked.......embarrassed? I made the biggest and baddest person I have ever met embarrassed???

He then responded goofily with "Noooo reason....." Rue was now laughing her head off and I had the stupidest grin on my face. Just as I was about to ask another stupid but obvious question I see something I never thought i would see before:

Cato stared deeply in to Cloves eyes as she smiled and light lightly placed her lips on his.

"What?" I say loudly enough for just the three or us to hear.

Without thinking, I stand up and took one step before Thresh grabs my leg and stops me from going. "Not a chance. Leave them alone." I guess he saw what happened, too. I nodded and sat back down. A million questions were going through my mind. What was happening? How much did I miss when I died. Were they the real star crossed lovers that had to fight to the death?

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