Chapter 13- Various pov

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Marvel pov


"Let me on your shoulders!"

"No way! You are not climbing on me!"

"It's the only way we're gonna get out of here!"

"MARVEL! You are NOT getting on my shoulders!"

"Well how else are we gonna get out of that hole?"

"Um, I could get on your shoulders..."

"Nah, your way too heavy" what was Rue thinking? There was NO way I could lift her. What am I? The stronger of the two? It's not like she's a twelve year old girl or anything... wait.

"Okay Rue," I say," climb on my shoulders and I will try and throw you through there."

"You know, after careful consideration, I realize I would be better of with you on top of me then you aiming me through a small hole in the roof fifteen feet above us..." she begins to say, so quiet I can barely hear her. Nonetheless she begins climbing her way onto my shoulders.

"Don't be so judge-mental, Rue. Gosh" umm rude?!? She slowly turns towards me, with that look on her face people get when your being stupid but clearly don't realize it... but I wasn't being stupid... oh wait.

"Umm, Marvel, judgmental is one... oh never mind." She says. Obviously she sees the look on my face people get when they don't want to hear it.

I boost her up and surprisingly, somehow, using my amazing skills, get her safely up and out of the hole in the roof. And then we see the hole in our plan...

"Marvel? I'm out now, but how are you going to get out?" Rue just had to ruin this amazingly wonderful moment that showed how amazingly awesome I truly am.

"I have absolutely no idea" I admit to her. She is really raining on my parade right now.

"Ok. I guess I'll be coming back down now." She says flatly. At least getting down can't be any harder then getting up, right?

Wrong. Rue looked down at me, smirked, and then simply jumped down out of the roof without any warning. At all. Of course, I didn't have time to move so she landed DIRECTLY ON TOP OF ME. Let's just say, I'm gonna feel that in the morning. And right now. And for the next month.

We we're laying, sprawled on the floor until Rue sat up. She took one look at me and her eyes got wide.

"Um Marvel," she says, leaning in towards me and squinting. " You got a little something, everywhere," she says gesturing to my entire face. " It kinda looks like a, like a, oh." she says as she leans back on her elbows and puts her left foot up next to my face. After glancing back and forth between her foot and my face a few times she decides she's going to be a kind little girl and tell me what's going on. " Um, Marvel, you kind of might sort of have my footprint. On your face."


Cato's pov

Clove, Thresh and I had only been running for a few a minutes- maybe ten when we ran into a group of tributes. And lo and behold, it was Katniss, Peeta, Finnick Odair, and an older woman. We were about to turn around and run the other way when something... strange happened. Peeta was lying on the ground and Katniss was leaning on a tree with the old woman. That wasn't the strange thing though. Peeta and Finnick were... kissing. Intensely. It kinda scared me a little. Finnick was literally on top of Peeta and Katniss was over by the tree freaking out about something. Although that child always, always was.

"Cato! Cato! We need to go. They'll see us!" Snapping out of whatever sort of daze I was in I am suddenly aware of Clove tugging me away from that... scene, and Thresh already sprinting away. Immediately I break into a run, easily catching Thresh with Clove on my heels.

After another twenty minutes of running Thresh calls for us to stop.

"Guys. Guys. Let's stop here, make camp. We haven't seen any more tributes. We also haven't seen any water. We should just stop and save our energy. "

"Do we even need water? Whatever we are? I mean we were dead. All of us. We died in the games! And now we're back. What if we die again? What if we are just pieces in Snow's games again? What if Katniss kills you Cato? I don't think I could- would want-"

"Clove, baby, we aren't even in the games. We just somehow got mixed up in them. We- you, me, Thresh, even Marvel and Rue wherever they are- are a team this time. We just have to find our way back to the cave, find the others, and make a plan. We are going to get out of this. I promise." Clove looks like she's about to have a break down and start crying. This must be so hard- is so hard- on her, and all of us. I get up from where I was sitting across from her and sit down next to her. Just like in the dark, musty cave I put my arms around her and close that space that I can't bear to have between us. She leans in and fits her head perfectly on my neck and I can feel her tears, wet on my already drenched body.

"Well this is very touching and everything but we really do need to find the entrance to the cave. Or at least some water. And weapons. " I had completely forgotten Thresh was even there. It was just me and Clove. But he's right. However much I tried to reassure Clove, I really didn't want to die again either, and that meant we needed to keep moving, find the cave or like Thresh said, at least some supplies. We, just like old times, needed to be prepared for the bloodshed and heartbreak that the games brings to everyone involved. And most of all, we needed to stay alive- well, undead.

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