Chapter 14-Clove's Pov

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It's been about two hours since we set up camp. Since then, the three of us were able to go to the cornucopia and collect the few weapons that were left after the bloodbath at the beginning of the games. Still, we have no water and are sweating through our thin shirts. This is what we know: The true tributes in the games are all former victors. Katniss, Peeta, Finnick, and an old woman who Thresh thinks he recognizes as Mags, a lady from district 4, are allies. If Rue is still alive we have a very important weapon against Katniss if it comes to that. Hopefully though, we won't be killing anyone this time around. Already the games are making me feel weak when this is where I am strong.

Out of the meager supply of weapons that was left Cato somehow found a sword tucked it the corner, Thresh found a shovel which doesn't seem that useful but with Thresh you never know, and I found a cabinet full of knives. No tribute will even be able to get close to us now.

As we sit here silently trying to think of a way to get water I feel the pressure of the games hit me again. In the 74th games I had no idea what I was getting into. Training my whole life didn't even come close to preparing me yet I was ok with it. I liked it. Now though, with the weight of death on my shoulders for a second time I can't go into this fighting and ending other people's lives.

No. I can't think like this. I need to focus on getting out of here alive not what it will be like if I don't. So I tell myself I have three seconds and then I'll be over this and will move on.

One. I picture the deep dark space I awoke in only a few days ago.

Two. I think about how I died and all the bloodshed that happened before my death.


I start balling. Tears streak my face and I hiccup as I breath. Why am I so weak? I hate feeling like this, useless. Cato sees me and his face falls. He sighs and gets up to come sit by me. He doesn't say anything just sits next to me and gathers me in his arms. At first I think that's the worst thing he could do but then it does help. I take a deep breath and then get up.

"We should keep moving," I say, "We really do need water."

"Ok, your right," Cato says, but I can tell he's worried about me. I don't think he's ever seen me cry.

"There's no point in staying out in the open either," Thresh added, "We should focus on finding the cave and the others, the get a plan from there. For now though, we need to stick together and out of sight. I'm sorry Clove but your going to have to keep quiet. We don't want to draw any attention to us."

Even though I know he's right and completely agree that kind of stings. Kind of. But it also makes me feel stronger. I set my shoulders and head back in the direction we caught Peeta and Finnick kissing in. Uugghh. Just the thought of that gives me the creeps.

About five minutes of walking in silence, elusive rain begins to downpour.

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