Survival-Part 2

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It was dawn once again. The fog rolling in, swallowing up the ruins of the once beautiful city. Kakó went back to their hiding spots away from the harsh sunlight. All but one. It's legs full of cuts and scars. It's body full of wounds and arrows. It's been stalking the people of the old facility. It was determined for its meal.
Sin rolled over onto a lump beside him. He wrapped his arms around it. "Good morning," he said. He opened his eyes. It was a pillow. "Oh. It's not you. That's a relief. For a second there I thought you lost some weight." He sat up and stretched out his arms with snaps and cracks. Things have been going good the last few days. Lelah's mood about him has risen. He met the old friends he had before his "disappearance." And he got back his old weapons: a long bladed knife with a brass knuckle handle, an axe that folded, and an old fashioned pump shotgun. That was for extreme uses only. Sin flopped his legs over the side of his bed. He wondered about his leader. Though there was feelings between them, he couldn't let himself be drawn to her. She's married. He's a new person. It would be wrong to steal her. After all, love is just a chemical. We give it meaning by choice. He got up and looked at himself in the mirror. He was grow hair on his chin and the underside of his jaw. It was on his cheeks and in a thin line above his lip. "I guess I've forgotten to take care of myself. I'll go see April about that." He changed into his normal clothes, along with jacket and hat. As he turned from the mirror he stopped and looked at the pictures of his desk. The one with him and her made him feel something. A strong chemical able to accomplish great things and transpire terrible disasters. The chemical of love. He wondered if Kakó loved.

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