Chapter Sixteen

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            Jack moaned softly. His head hurt. He touched the left side of his head and pain shot through his body. Jack was dazed. Where was he? He heard distant voices. His memory swam back to him. He and Mike went opposite ways this morning or maybe it was yesterday morning. Jack wondered how long he'd been unconscious. The thunderstorm started a few hours after he left the cottage. He didn't know how long he had been walking through the storm but when he reached the cabin he was soaked and covered in dirt. Jack was relieved to see a cabin. But he didn't expect someone to blow him on the head.

       The voices became clearer and he could now see a woman and a girl scrawled on the floor looking at...... photos? Cards? He couldn't tell. Ughm. His head pounded. Just then the woman came up to him. He couldn't believe it.

            "Katherine?" He asked.

            She let out a relieved laugh.

            "Sorry, Jack. I didn't know it was you. Is your head feeling better? Oh Jack, I’m so glad you're back!"

            She bent down and held his hand.

            "Really?  I thought you would never forgive me for leaving you and Miya, Nedit and the others."

            Katherine just smiled.

            He tried sitting up and Katherine settled him against a pillow. That's when he saw Katy. She looked skinnier then ever and she was limping.

            "Katy, what happened?"

            She gave Jack a weak smile.

            "I’m fine. I just got hurt a little."

            "Do you know how long I have been unconscious?" He said turning to Katherine.

            "About a day and a half."

            "Where is Nedit? Is Jacob alright?"

            Jack noticed the shadow that crossed Katherine’s face. She looked grim.

            "Jack. There is something I have to tell you...."

                   *                                                        *                                                *

            Jack was surprised by what Katherine told him. They needed to get to the tree house as soon as possible and he didn't know that Mr.Hubkins had children. Mike would probably know. Jack reached for his zipped pocket and took out his phone.

            "I could call Mike."

            "Mike? Am I missing something?"

            Jack told Katherine all about his adventures with Mike. When he called Mike, the young man picked up on the third ring.

            "Hello?" A muffled voice spoke.

            "Mike? This is Jack."

            "Jack! Where are you? Did you find your sister?"

            "Yes, she’s here. I called to find out some information."


            "Does Mr. Hubkins have children?"

            "Yes. In fact he has two that work here at headquarters."

            "Really? Only two children? We found an ID with Jessie Hubkins name."

            "Jessie? Oh she is a fine young lady and she’s about my age. That’s his niece."

            "Niece?! Are you sure?"

            "He might be covering her up. I don't know. Jack? Just a little warning: if you bump into any man that calls himself Spike don't listen to him. He's a new Gramler's spy. He has blond hair, muscled build and has a scar on his cheek."

            "Wow. Sure. But I don't think he'll ever find us."

            "You never know." Mike’s voice became really muffled and he was saying something but all Jack heard was:

            "Jack...........program......Spike.......your way......"

            "Mike? I can't hear you. Mike?"

            The signal ended.

            "What did he say?" Asked Katherine.

            "I’m not sure but I think a Grambler's spy might be coming our way. We have to get moving."

            "But we can't, Jack! Katy isn't strong enough for such a long journey and you will get tons of headaches."

            "I know. But we are strong enough to travel a step at a time. We can’t stay any longer."

            "But how will we deal with this Spike man?"

            "I’m not sure but I think I have a plan forming."

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